Fangirli pt 1

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U we're sitting down on the grass with ur guitar with ur song book open when u got a call from ur older sister

"Hey Lauren"
"Ooh hay Ana can u come over"
"Yeah sure why"
"No reason Mom has company and put parental units want u to meet them"
"Um okay then"

I got off the phone and put my guitar Away and walked to my car opening it to drive to Lauren's house which is like 5 minutes away which were 5 minutes of jamming to fiym

"Ana honey u came come in come in" My mom Camila said as I knocked on the door

"Well Ana I would like u to meet Joanna and Veronica" she said pointing to 2 women one older and one a few years older then me "hi im Ana" I said waving to the Veronica and Joanna I spotted Lauren near the stairs

"Hey sis who are these people" I said and she looked up

"Ooh Joanna is one of moms old high school friends and apparently when we used to live in New York we were good friends with her son and his cousin but I don't remember just acted like I did" she said and I laughed "ooh okay sis thanks for the tip" I said taking my guitar and song book Into the kitchen where I saw 2 strangers near my fridge

"Um hi" I said and they bother turned around which is when I dropped my guitar and my book

"Hi" both of then said and I fell down on the now im crouched down on my feet hands over my mouth so I don't scream

"Omg ur Emery Tomas Mikael Kelly and ur Liam Tomas Attridge ur forever in your mind" I said and instantly started freaking out

"Um yeah that's us" Liam said and I got up on my feet

"Sorry about that im Just a really big fan of u guys plus Ricky of course" I said and smiled "im Ana" I said and they both smiled

" I would introduce myself but I think u already know us" Emery said and I chuckled "yeah I do" I said and picked up my guitar and book

"You play" Liam asked and I smiled " a little not that good" I said and he smiled "that's cool I play too" he said and helped me get my book that was close to his foot

" well this is kind of awkward now well I'm going to go now so nice meeting u guys and I'm
Not leaving because this is a lowkey awkward situation it's just that if I stay even a few seconds more I think I'm going to fully fangirl" I said and nodded a goodbye to some shook boys

I ran upstairs and put my guitar and book down I changed from my current shorts and white t shirt to some jeans and a red crop top

Running back downstairs my mother called me again now she was sitting with the boys and Joanna and Veronica

"Ana, Lauren come here please" she said And i walked over their sitting next to Lauren "well Ana ur so grown up now it's amazing" Joanna said and I smiled "thanks Joanna"

"No really u were so little and I remember u used to live going over to my house to play with Emery or even with Joanna when she wasn't busy" she said and my mother laughed "ooh Joanna remember when we used to think that Emery and Ana would end up together or even Ana and Liam u guys were just too cute"

She said and I almost died so 2 of the guys I admire with all of my life used to be shipped with me and I don't remember. Well I can't blame me I haven't seen this lady in 14 years almost 15 and now she just walked into my life again okay then

"Well yeah u and Camila may have shipped Liam and Ana but I will forever ship Emery and Ana" Veronica said and I liked his was and he blushes making me blush ooh Jesus

"Well mom why don't u tell Camila and then the good news" Emery said and she thanked him for reminding her "yess girls me Verónica Emery and Liam with Tammy and Ricky are moving to his neighborhood" she said and I almost died "wait what" I said and noticed that Emery was smiling "yeah we're moving in next door I think if not then one door down" she said and I almost fainted

"Wait then is this happening" I asked being the only one making a Scene "this month Ricky and Tammy are moving down here and in the next few weeks

"Well that's just amazing right" I said trying  to smile and not fangirl tô he fullest

"Yeah it really is" Verónica said and that my friend is the day I died

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