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U had just woke up and we're drinking some coffee from a mug while listening to true colors by the weekend on ur speakers the apartment was extremely empty and vacant because Emery was on tour with the guys and even through it was coming to an end he still had 3 weeks left u were scrolling through Instagram when I saw u just got a message from ur you-tuber friend Adeline (aka Cookie Monster on YouTube)

"Hey y/n have u checked twitter yet" it read and u replied "no I haven't why" I responded and she just responding saying "um go on the Hollywood records twitter and see their latest tweet" u read and ur heart kind of stopped u knew that their must be something wrong

U went on twitter and went to the page and saw a photo of Emery making out with Olivia holt aka his other girl he was on tour with

Ur heart sunk and u started to shake why this must all be a joke or a old picture because this is not right and can't be right at all he wouldn't do this to u he could never. Right u exited the page and instantly called Ricky
R: hey y/n
U: hey Ricardo can I ask u something
R: yeah shot
U: is the picture of Emery kissing Olivia true
R: wait what
U: on Hollywood records twitter page is a photo of him kissing Olivia on the lips
R: really. Y/n I don't know anything about this we haven't had a show in a week Liam was hanging out with Brook and im just trying to catch up on some sleep before the show we have today he said he was going to see u
U: well he's not here what should I do
R: we'll call Olivia she'll tell u if it's true or not
U: yeah yeah true I'll call thanks Ricky
R: anytime and if he is cheating tell me I'll make sure to kick his ass

U ended the call and called Olivia holt a few minutes later
O: hey y/n
U: hey Olivia can I ask u something girl to girl
O: yeah sure and im sorry about the break up
U: wait what breakup
O: um Emery he told me he broke up with u a few days ago
U: um no he didn't I haven't seen him in 6 months
O: he hasn't come see u when we have breaks we just had like a 2 month break
U: no he hasn't and are u guys seeing each other
O: well it's not official but I hope so but not if ur dating him
U: wait what explain this intirely
O: ooh okay so when we started tour he was sad about leaving u and we became friends and stuff then we had break frequently and he said he would go see u and stuff then about 2 months ago he told me that he broke up with u before he started flirting with me a lot and then took me on a date

Ur heart sank to ur feet when she said that u we're here alone not knowing what to do not even knowing if he loved u anymore but u we're numb nothing im ur body moved and I am swift movement u ended the call cutting off Olivia before she could say anything else and threw ur phone on the ground cracking the phone into a million pieces as well as the mug with hot coffee

"Why why just why" u said and sank to ur knees and cried "why just why he lied and cheated for what a laugh" u grabbed the pieces of glass and then them far anywhere u could find but it wasn't just that u took all his sweaters that  were with u and threw them away before throwing his toothbrush in the toilet all while crying ur eyes out and that's how u stayed for a good week not knowing what day it was or what time it is ur phone was broken and u couldn't get in contact with anyone or anything ur body was numb and u were extremely hurt ur heart was so fragile and he just broke it into a million pieces and u couldn't take it

One day about a week after everything happened u left ur bed for the first time in a week and took a shower and made ur self look decent u cleaned up ur mess and started packing up ur stuff putting things in boxes and bags before piling it into a moving truck u rented and drove back to ur apartment before u moved in with Emery at his apartment u left no trace of u and just left

Today's the day tour had ended and ur life was almost back to normal u got a new phone and was in contact with the world again u didn't mope around anymore and we're almost happy sometimes nothing. About Emery or Olivia dating was confirmed or denied Emery hadn't called or texted not even knowing that u knew anything of what happened

U were on ur phone in ur room when Ricky called u

"Hey y/n can u come pick me up from the airport me and Liam need a ride" Ricky said and I smiled

"Sure i have so much to tell u guys" I said and took my keys and drove to the los Anglos airport about 40 minutes away from my house

"Liam, Ricardo" u said when u saw them waiting alone for u

Liam walked over and gave u a hug while Ricky just held his arms open so u capsule jump into a hug

"Ahh I missed u munchkin" Ricky said and Liam agreed "yeah 6 months is way too long" Liam said and u helped them in the car "well we have 6 months worth of drama to catch up on" u said and they laughed

"So u never told me what u found out" Ricky said and Liam was confused "wait what are u talking about" and Ricky explained that I called him asking for answers then I explained what Olivia said and they looked shook "ur kidding me he couldn't have done that" Liam said and u shook ur head "that's what i thought" u said as u pulled up to Ricky's house which is close to where u and Emery lived

"So u really just moved out and left" Liam said and u nodded yess "finally" Liam said and u looked at him shook "Emery should learn the hard way not to mess with girls and u till then he wound stop doing it" Liam said and Ricky agreed patting his on the back "true he needs to treat girls with respect" Ricky said and I smiled "thanks guys I love u" I said as the front door swung open and on came a nervous Emery

Authors note

Hey guys so I will be posting part 2 of his chapter today still im just too tired to keep typing but it will be up today and I will be posting the continuing chapters of a few old chapters if u wee wondering hopefully all continuing chapters will be posted by February thanks for the love support and reads u guys are amazing bye

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