Movies and Bowling

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Hey I am going to start this chapter and prob have to finish the rest tommorow. Thanks for reading 

We finally get to the movies and we go on inside. Harry puts his arm around my waist while we were in line for popcorn and drinks. He also bought me two bags of recies pieces which are my favorite candy in the whole wide world. Then we all went into the movie and sat down. I sat next to Harry and somehow Niall sat right next to me instead of Hay. But for some reason Hay did not even notice or care. But Harry noticed but just laughed and rolled his eyes at Niall. Finally the movie trailers started. Then the movie started which it was called Sucide Squad. Which I have seen once already with my soon to be sister in law Jamie. Halfway through the movie Harry fell asleep. I was trying to get some popcorn and Niall had went to get some too at the same time as me and he just smiled at me. Then he let me get some popcorn first then he got himself some. Then a few minutes later Niall just grab my hand and held it. He smiled at me and I smiled at him. Then all the sudden I just had to....... I kissed him right on the lips and he kissed me back. Then we pulled apart and Harry was actually apparently awake and he was like if you did not want to go on date with me you should of just said so damn!! And he walked out of the theater and yelled he was walking back to the hotel room and said have fun guys talk to you boys epecially you Niall later on!! I then started to cry and Niall grab my hand and said lets go for a walk till they are done with the movie.......... Hay was like thats fine I will text you Grace when we are done...... 

Me and Niall left the movie theater and walked outside. He grab my hand and squeezed it. We walked hand in hand outside. We then sat on the parks swings and talked. I told him how I did not actually like him and hated him actually but now I am getting feelings for you! He was like I understand honey. He was like every time Harry would show us pictures of you I would be like in my head I want that gorgeous girl so much. But I backed off because Harry liked you a little bit but was not head over heels for you like I am. I told him I feel bad and that harry prob hates me now. He tells me that he will get over it and that it will be all fine. I tell Niall would you like to take me on a date just us two this weekend like Sunday. He was like of course i would love to. We give each other numbers. Then ten minutes later we were kissing again and did for twenty minutes till my phone said I had a text. It was hay saying they were done and its time for the bowling alley. So me and Niall walked back to the theater. We all got back into the limo and headed for the bowling alley.......... 

We get to the bowling alley and we go in to get our shoes. I did not get shoes because I like to bowl in my socks lol. Me, Niall, Hay, Liam, and Louis get to a area to bowl at. We put in our names and we get ready to start. Niall ask me what kind of pizza I want and I said cheese please. He tells us that he is going to order some food and ask what we want to drink. Then a few minutes he came back with our drinks. Then we started bowling. I am really good at bowling so I am winning so far!!!! Niall looks at me and he was like wow you are good! Hay tells him yeah shes great at bowling! She does it for school in the winter even though shes also in cheerleading during the fall and winter. Shes actually in gymnastics for all stars. She competes all the time. I was yeah I am actually on the national team this summer!! I smile so big because I love gymnastics so much. Niall was like wow girl you do a lot!! I am like yeah and its my senior year so next year I am going to be training for the England team for the olympics. They been emailing me with all the information for it. They been watching me since I was four years old. I pratice all the time. Well we finally finish our first game of bowling which I won!!! Our pizza ends up coming out when we finished the first game. Niall told me that the next game he is going beat me! I tell him well have fun with that cause your gonna lose. Hay tells him yeah Niall shes way to good no way you are going to beat her. Liam tells me boy you are dreaming you suck. You are only good at soccer/football boy. I laugh so hard and Niall was like whatever jerk..... BTW I won again!.....

Finally, we are heading back to Hays car by the tour bus. Niall and Liam walk us to the car. Liam gives Hay a kiss then says love you babe. Niall gives me a kiss and says I will text you in a bit. I was like okay sounds good !! Hay heads to my house to drop me off and says I will text you later girl see you in school tommorow. Love you !!! I was bye and love you too......

Thanks for reading please comment. 

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