Chapter V: The Hood

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Richard perched himself over the edge of the building, trying to get a good view of the city skyline. It reminded him of Gotham in some ways. At night, it still lit up with nightlife. At night, the monsters still came out to play. The city's new mayor wasn't doing his best to clean out the crime that overrun the city. In fact, Richard almost felt the desire to stay behind to help clean up.

Tim approached Richard from behind & knelt down beside him. "What do you see?" Tim asked.

Richard turned to Tim, taking a moment to get used to seeing another boy in the Robin suit. It was much more sleek than his original suit, with a thinner cape & a more toned down yellow hue. Richard turned back to the city. "I see a hell that's trying to be as bad as Gotham."

Tim laughed. "Nothing is as bad as Gotham."

Richard let out a soft chuckle, then rose up. Tim stood up alongside Richard. Richard turned to Tim. "There are more people at night suiting up & fighting crime, not just the Green Arrow & his team. There are rogue vigilantes that seem to be fighting on their own, without having any affiliation with the Green Arrow."

"So, what, we're looking for a rookie vigilante?"

Richard shook his head. "The opposite, actually. We're looking for someone with Bruce's fighting style & training techniques. So anyone who you see, masked or not, who's fighting with a novice skillset-"

"It's not Jason," Tim said. "Got it."

Richard nodded. He began walking over to the opposite end of the building they stood atop. Tim followed. "Hey, Dick," he started, "How do you think it happened?"

"How do I think WHAT happened?" Richard asked.

", coming back?" Tim stepped closer to Richard. "Do you think he's a zombie now?"

Richard thought back to the supernatural entities that he had encountered. Raven was a half-demon. John Constantine was a Master of the Dark Arts & the occult. Zatanna was an expert on magic & mysticism, but could any of them revive the dead?

"No," Richard grunted. "He's not a zombie."

Tim shook his head. "You don't know that," he said. "I mean, you fought alongside an alien princess. Who's to say that resurrection is a fiction?"

Richard turned & glared at Tim. Tim held his hands up defensively. "Alright, point taken," Tim whined.

Richard resumed making his way across the rooftop with Tim trailing along. "What makes you think that Jason is out there committing these murders?" Tim asked.

Richard turned back to Tim, wondering why he was asking so many questions. Richard turned back to the streets, scanning for anything suspicious. "Each murder victim was some low level thug, whether they were a drug dealer or an arms dealer. Each one was either shot, strangled, or stabbed to death. Left behind, along with each of the bodies, was a Batarang."

Tim gasped. "He's trying to frame Bruce."

"Or at least get his attention," Richard said.

"But you & Alfred never told him?"

Richard shook his head. "We didn't want him to put the pieces together if it DOES turn out to be Jason. I had Commissioner Gordon keep the cases discrete, making him promise not to make a move unless I find out the truth."

Tim nodded. He cleared his throat, then looked up at Richard. "Gordon," he mumbled. "How's Barb?"

Richard sighed. "I...I don't know, man. We're trying to make it work."

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