Chapter XIV: What It Takes

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Richard stood in his hotel room, gathering his materials that he would need for the night. He had his Nightwing armored suit laid out on his bed. He had his escrima sticks, laid beside the suit on the bed. The electrifying sticks glowed a bright blue glow, humming with power. Beside the suit & the sticks was his utility belt, with each pocket pouch detached & laid out around the belt. Richard made sure each one was fully stocked with enough smoke pellets, winglets, & chloroform blades. Richard had to be prepared for Jason. Richard needed to catch the Red Hood before he killed again.

Suddenly, the hotel door opened, & Tim stumbled in, totally immersed in his phone call. "Yes, babe. I'll be home soon. No, I'm just helping Dick out with some stuff." Tim glanced up at Richard, noticing his gear laid out on the bed. "In fact, we're about to go do something right now." Tim sighed. "Yes, Stephanie, I know it's late. I promise I'll call you back soon, babe." After a moment, a smile washed over Tim's face. "I love you too, Steph. Sweet dreams." With that, the Boy Wonder hung up & glanced up at Richard.

Richard smiled. "So things with Stephanie are good, huh?"

Tim nodded. "Yeah, she's great. We're happy."

Richard nodded slowly, but felt his smile begin to be forced. He thought to his troubles with Barbara, & what had gone down between her & Richard. Guys like them don't get the girl.

"She's starting to wonder what I do at night," Tim admitted. "I'm always out late, & the few nights that I could get away from Bruce, I'd still spend them with her, but...she's catching on."

Richard nodded. Tim's girlfriend knowing about his nights as Robin could ruin things, just like it did for him. "What do you tell her?" Richard asked.

Tim sighed, sitting down at the desk chair. "The same thing that I tell everyone. I'm at the Manor, taking care of Bruce."

"Stephanie believes that?" Richard asked.

Tim nodded. "Yeah, man. I mean, she knows Bruce has been drinking more. I really do have to sober him up. Some nights, I have to undress the man myself."

Richard stared down at his feet, feeling somewhat ashamed. He wish he had stuck around longer for Tim. He knew he couldn't leave Tim alone with Bruce, but, he couldn't let himself face Bruce again. Richard began to suddenly feel the weight of abandoning Tim. He was beginning to realize how selfish he was being by leaving Gotham. Richard felt his chest grow heavy with the guilt.

Tim nodded towards the suit on the bed. "So, you're going back for Church?"

Richard sighed. "I was gonna see if I could focus on Jason again. I wanted to take Church down first, but with Jason out there again, there's no telling what he might do next, so I'm prioritizing Jason."

Tim nodded slowly, keeping quiet. Richard went back to examining his gear, making sure he had everything he needed. "Are you coming out tonight?" Richard asked Tim over his shoulder.

Tim sighed. "I really want to talk to Steph. You'll cut me some slack, right?"

Richard shrugged. "I managed to bring in a former Titan member. He's gonna be helping us too."

Tim arched his eyebrow at Richard. Something seemed to be bothering Tim, but Richard wasn't sure. He knew for a fact that the boy was a little angry. Richard went back to his gear, however, not wanting to pry. If Tim was upset, he would come to Richard. He couldn't force his thoughts out of him.

Suddenly, Tim spoke. "Are you gonna catch Jason tonight?"

Richard glanced back towards Tim & nodded reassuringly. "Yeah, man, we will."

Tim shook his head. "Stop, Dick."

Richard was taken aback by Tim's sudden coldness. What the hell was bothering him?

Tim sighed, then ran a hand through his dark shaggy hair. It reminded Richard of himself. "I'm...I'm not so sure you're all in this, man."

Richard stared at Tim, shocked. He sat down on the edge of the hotel bed & sighed. "What do you mean?"

Tim stared at the ground, searching for the right words to say. "I...I feel like you're not really trying to bring Jason home." Richard opened his mouth to speak, but Tim cut him off. "You're not. You' keep letting him slip away. Honestly, I mean, this scares me so much. With him being back & him murdering people across the coast, it's scary. It feels like a scary movie. But...Dick, I feel like you would be able to do what it takes to bring him back home."

Richard nodded softly. He let Tim's words sink in, really trying to understand what he was saying. Maybe Tim wasn't wrong. Maybe Richard was still scared to bring Jason back home. After all...Richard was the reason Jason put on the Robin suit in the first place. He was the reason that Jason pushed himself too far, leading to his death. Maybe...maybe Richard was scared about what would happen once he got Jason back to Gotham. Would Jason want revenge? Would he try to kill the Joker? Would he go after Bruce? Or would he just want to kill Richard? And now, with Tim as the new Robin, there may be some angry brewing inside of him that would lead him to wanting to kill Tim. Richard really had no idea what he was going to do once he got Jason. He just knew he couldn't let Bruce get his hands on him. Not again.

Richard sighed, rubbing his face with his hands."'re right, man," Richard said softly. "I think I am afraid. I'm...I'm afraid to bring him back to Gotham. I'm not sure I'm ready to face the consequences of him coming back. We don't know all that's happened, either. He may not be right in the head. He may very well be sick in the head, & letting him come home may pose as a threat, but, we can't let him be on the streets either."

Tim nodded. "Right, but...this isn't just about what he'll do on the streets, is it?"

Richard bit his lip. He looked up at Tim. "Jason...Jason died because of his time with Bruce & I. I didn't help him, Tim. I could've, but...I failed him. I'm not sure I'm ready to see him again. Not like this...not back home, in the Cave. I'm not sure I want him to have to suffer again, with Bruce, with us..."

Richard's voice trailed off. He didn't have the gall to admit that he was scared of failing anymore people.

Tim approached Richard & sat beside him on the bed. He slowly raised his hand to Richard's back & patted it softly, but quickly removed it. That was how Tim showed concern for his older brother figure. "I get you, man," Tim started. "I get how bad this is making you feel, but, you can't let this guilt eat you alive. You have to learn to forgive yourself, Richard. What happened to Jason, that had anything to do with you. It happened, though, but now, because of some crazy miracle, you've been given a chance to help the guy. You can make things right again, but it won't make a difference unless you actually do what we need to do to bring him in."

Richard looked up at Tim. Tim reached behind RIchard & held up Richard's face mask that went with his suit. "No more messing around, Nightwing. Bring Jason back home."  

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