Chapter XII: Take Me to Church

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Richard stood over the edge of the building & overlooked the junkyard below. The majority of the area that Jaime Reyes advised Richard to investigate was essentially the entire junkyard. Richard felt confident that he would find Church again in this area. He just needed a plan. He also probably needed backup. If Church's men were fully armed, then he may be a bigger threat than Richard had anticipated.

"Hey, man," Tim called out of nowhere, startling Richard.

Richard grunted & turned back to Tim. The boy was just now settling down, perching next to Richard. "Robin, I asked you here over an hour ago."

Tim sighed. "I know. I had to head back to suit up."

Richard shook his head. "Where were you?"

Tim smirked. "Making friends," he said with the slyest grin.

Richard groaned. "Okay, man. Put it back in your pants & focus."

Tim nodded, leaning forward. "So what are we looking for?"

"Tobias Church," Richard said in a low voice.

Tim glanced back at Richard. "We're...going after Church? The guy you drove out of Blüdhaven? What happened to Jason?"

Richard sighed. "Once we get Church, Jason is ours."

Tim shook his head. "I'm not following. Why is Church in Star City? Better yet, why is he even our concern?"

Just as Richard was about to answer that, four cars pulled into the junkyard & parked in the middle of the open space. The drivers exited their cars, leaving the headlights on. Men exited each vehicle, leaving about 15 men for Richard & Tim to be wary of. Each was armed with either a rifle, or a handgun. One of these men wore a long overcoat with a beanie over his head & had fingerless gloves. He wore a chain around his neck & stood with a sense of authority. His scruffy beard had grown since the last time Richard saw him.

"Church," Richard grunted.

Tobias Church circled the group of men with his hands behind his back. "Gentlemen, welcome. Thank you for joining me tonight. As you all may or may not know, this city is protected by one of the many vigilantes that have sprouted over the coast in the last few years. The Green Arrow draws his bow, killing off our brothers & our men. We, however, cannot conduct business in such a manner. The Arrow thinks he can cut off our supplies every night, slowing down the flow of our merchandise. What he DOESN'T know is that by banding together, our units came help us become more strong & more organized. He won't be able to take us all down, not if we have each other's backs."

One bald thug stepped forward, approaching Tobias. "So, what, you're saying we're all a team now? All of us against the Green Arrow?"

Tobias shrugged. "You can look at it that way, sure. We just need more men fighting on the same side."

An Asian man in a suit stepped forward. "Well, I am not working with the Irish," the Asian said in a thick accent. "They are my competition in weapons trade."

A red-haired man shoved another man in the crowd, approaching the Asian. "We were here in Star City first!"

The Asian shook his head. "We were here back when it was still Starling, you drunken bastard!"

"Boys!" Tobias roared, his deep voice booming throughout the dark. The men grew silent as Church's call echoed around them. He cleared his throat. "Gentlemen, that is exactly why I have asked you all here today. Our petty differences are what have caused us to lose focus of the REAL enemy. It isn't each other, don't you see? Our REAL enemy is the Green Arrow. He is the only thing standing between us & total underground control."

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