Chapter XX: The Return

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Richard sighed as he parked his car on the curb outside of his apartment building. He was glad to finally be back home in Blüdhaven, after the time he spent in Gotham, then tracking down the Red Hood to Star City. Of course, after his work there had more or less been settled, he had to take Tim back to Gotham, where he would have to spend another business day handling the work he was meant to complete with Oliver Queen over to Bruce again.

Bruce wasn't exactly thrilled to hear that his offer with Oliver Queen hadn't fallen through, but after mentioning the possibility of setting up a deal with Kord Industries' division in Star City, Bruce seemed content enough. He had asked Richard to make sure Kord's people would at least hear Wayne Tech's offer.

Richard also had to inform Bruce about Jaime Reyes. He told Bruce about Jaime's connection with Kord Industries, & the mysterious message that the sentient alien beetle gave Richard. Bruce seemed intent on bringing the boy into Gotham soon for an evaluation, but, Richard suggested that he bring him to the Watchtower instead, seeing as the entire League should be on alert instead of just Bruce. Bruce brushed off Richard's suggestion.

That was how it was. Bruce had begun to consider less & less what others thought & only listened to himself. Of course, in the field, perhaps that was a better tactic that could save one's life, but in this case, it was about the well being of a young boy, & possibly the fate of mankind. But sure, Bruce knew best, right?

Richard made sure that he squared things off with Tim before leaving him back at the manor. He wanted to make sure that he was alright, after having a bombshell dropped on him about Jason. Richard made sure that he & Alfred both discussed the matter with Tim again, & made sure that the three got their story straight in case Bruce did end up finding out why Richard really went to Star City. They needed to make sure that Bruce wouldn't find out about Jason, but also make sure that Jason didn't confront Bruce.

Regardless, it was over for the time being. Richard stepped out of his car, glancing up at his modest apartment building, & locked his car. He walked up the stairs leading to the front doors & walked in, greeting his doorman, Eliot. He was fond of the man. He would occasionally ask Richard for advice about a girl he had a crush on that lived in the building. He was one of Richard's only friends in the city, really. Or, rather...Richard was his friend. He felt that their relationship was Eliot's, & not his own.

Richard went to his elevator & hit the up command on the door panel. He sighed. He thought to the people he had lost. Finding Jason again was good, more than good, didn't make things alright, necessarily. Bonds would need to be reformed, but even so, the wounds would still be there. It was like that with the Titans, & it would be with Jason too. Nothing would be the same from here on out.

Richard scoffed. Things always changed. He learned that much already.

The elevator bell rang, & the doors slid open, revealing the bronze interior of the elevator. Richard stepped in & pressed the button for the fourth floor. The doors slid closed & slowly climbed up the building. Richard grinned to himself. He could easily scale the building & reach his apartment from the window within a matter of seconds, but, he occasionally liked to remind himself that he was, in fact, normal.

Richard shook his head at the thought. Why kid himself? He was far from normal.

Richard sighed as the doors finally opened, revealing the red carpeted hallway. Richard stepped out & walked down the left end of the hall, spotting one of his elderly neighbors walking in her apartment. She was carrying several bags of groceries. Richard made his way to her. "Good evening, Ms. Goldstein!"

Ms. Goldstein turned & smiled at Richard. "Oh, hello, Richard! So good to see you again. How was your business trip?"

Richard smiled. "Not very eventful, honestly." Richard nodded to her grocery bags. "Let me bring those in for you."

Ms. Goldstein smiled as Richard carefully removed the grocery bags from her thin hands & held her front door open for her to walk in. "Thank you, son." Ms. Goldstein stepped aside for Richard to make his way into her kitchen, setting everything down. "So, how about that new Star City Mayor, huh?" Ms. Goldstein said.

Richard chuckled. "Oh, Oliver Queen?" Richard shrugged. "Just a glorified playboy millionaire, in my opinion."

Ms. Goldstein nodded as Richard organized the groceries, placing each item in its cupboard. "Yes, reminds me of that Bruce Wayne back in Gotham. Of course, back when he was a pretty boy himself. Now he's getting a little grey."

Richard tried hard not to smirk, but a scoff of a laugh managed to slip out. Ms. Goldstein laughed with Richard. "It's true!" she cried. "Wayne has started going for that Clooney look!"

Richard nodded. "Yeah, that's true."

Finally, Richard placed the carton of milk in the fridge & turned to Ms. Goldstein, who was looking up at her ceiling, as if there was something that she was desperately trying to recall. "I'll tell you what though, that Queen boy definitely has a set of pretty eyes."

Richard nodded, smiling. "Do you need anything else, Ms. Goldstein?"

Ms. Goldstein smiled back, raising her hand to Richard's left cheek & pinching it. "No, son, thank you so much. Just promise me you'll keep being a sweet young man."

Richard smirked. "Only if you promise to stop getting prettier every time I leave town. I can't keep up with your looks!"

"Oh, you're doing alright," Ms. Goldstein joked. She let out a laugh. "Oh, maybe I won't meet that pretty boy Queen anytime soon, but you're certainly handsome enough to be a close contender."

Richard laughed at the remark & said goodnight to his neighbor. He shut the door behind him as he left her apartment & continued making his way towards his. He adored Ms. Goldstein. She was a spitfire who, years ago, used to be a nurse for the military. Richard would spend some mornings taking care of her, & she would tell him stories about the many different soldiers she would tend to during her time in the war. She would describe gruesome details about some of these men's wounds & how some of these men perished. She would also tell Richard about her various amounts of lovers she had over the years. Richard was very amused by the lady. She made him laugh, & he certainly enjoyed playfully flirting with her occasionally.

Although, he did feel a deeper obligation for watching over the poor old lady. She reminded him of Mother Louise, who had died in Gotham after Richard's first year of living in Blüdhaven. Richard felt guilty, having not been around when the woman who gave him a second chance, & had faith in him after he committed an awful sin, passed away in her sleep. He knew she was happy now, & he hoped she would be proud of the man he became, but...he may never know.

Sure, Richard might've seen a little of Mother Louise in Ms. Goldstein, but the two were polar opposites. Still, Mother Louise shouldn't have been alone. Ms. Goldstein shouldn't, either.

Richard approached his door & glanced up at the large 44 over the doorway. Richard reached into his pocket & grabbed his key. He unlocked his front door, & opened it. As he stepped inside, he turned on the light & set his bag down beside his doormat & shut the door behind him. Richard sighed. He was really exhausted. The first thing he wanted to do was take a shower & go to bed.

Richard slipped his shoes off & began unbuttoning his shirt, making his way to his bedroom. He slid his shirt off & dropped it on a chair in his living room. He opened the door to his bedroom & flicked on the bedroom light, about to make his way to the bathroom. However, he stopped in his tracks in shock at what he saw in front of him.

Richard stared at the familiar red headed girl, wrapped in his blanket from his bed, shivering. She was extremely pale, making her auburn hair contrast with her skin. She looked up at Richard, still shivering, & Richard instantly recognized her bright brown colored eyes.

Cheyenne Freemont smiled up at Richard as her chest rose & fell with heavy breaths. "Dick," she managed to breathe before passing out on his bed.


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