School Wreck

18 4 4

Me and jimin finally arrived at the school. I didn't really want to go in at the same time, i'm sure people would stare and think we did something. eugh, I really don't want to go in. Just as we were about to arrive at the school gates, It's almost as he read my mind.

"Saebum, you can go in first." I gave a wearily smile. His eyes smiled back at me. My face flushed red as i turned around to rush to school. Just in time, i swear! Why am i being like this?? Maybe its just because I'm not used to talking to many people. I try to just be nice tto everyone since I'm not really into trouble.

Too wrapped in my own thoughts, i hadn't even realized people infront of me. I bumped into someone. I was too frightened to look up, so i began to tense up. What? Wait, that laugh- Cut off by my thoughts, i was immediately embraced by the stranger. It was my best friend of 15 years, jae woo.

"Happy 18th birthday my Saebum!"

"What?" I so busy i had forgotten it was my birthday. To be honest, this year i really wanted to go clubbing with my 2 best friends Jae woo and Hannah. I'm shy, but my bucket list was full of wild things! Maybe, if i do aegyo, Jae woo will come! i sure as hell know that Hannah would be down!

The bell rang and i could feel Jae woo push me from behind. I was alone at my desk. I was sad my desk mate moved away because i felt like we were becoming close. Why does everyone i start to care about leave me? Whatever, i shouldn't put myself into a bad mood, after all, it was my birthday.

"Class, you have 2 new students today." My teacher said smiling. She motioned for the students to come in. Jimin and a girl walked in. She was really pretty! Wait, why is she holding onto his backpack?

"Please introduce yourselves."

"Hi, my name is Jimin. Please take care of me!" he smiled and his eyes copied his smile.

"Hello.." the girl said quietly"... My name is Cindy. Let's get along!" Cindy. What a pretty name for a pretty girl. I'm guessing her and jimin already know each other? Eh i don't know. Wow, Jimin looks.. great! Look aat how cute his cheek bones and smile is! Oh my goodness i feel like a tiger about to pounce! "grrr" I quietly growled in Jimin's direction causing everyone to stare at me. I could my face getting hot. I was red as heck omg.... IM LITERALLY HANGING MYSELF MENTALLY. PLEASE KILL ME NOW. PLEASEEE.


Sorry, this chapter is kinda short. By the way, the part about growling at someone goodlooking hppened today!!!! i was talking to my friends, and i was talking about the lion thing, andi literally went "grr" as he passed my lunch table. Basically just ruined my chances with him LMAO

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