Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I was discharged the next day but I didn't leave the hospital. My parents went home and fetched me some clothes, even though most of them were damaged. We still didn't know the cause of the fire, but the firemen were trying to find out.

I stayed three painful days in the hospital. My whole body felt numb with pain. Everything hurt and there was nothing I could do about it. I knew the only thing that would take this pain away was Jake, and he was the only thing I couldn't have.

My parents tried to make me feel better, but it didn't work. Jane and Chris tried to make me feel better, but it didn't work. Nothing would work. I needed Jake.

On the third day after the fire I was sitting in Jake's room like normal. Both of our parents had just gone to the canteen to get some coffee, Lauren was staying with their grandma, but I wouldn't leave him. I hadn't left him for the past three days and I wouldn't leave him now. I had barely eaten or slept, but I didn't care. My eyes were droopy but somehow I always managed to keep them open. I knew I looked bad, but I'm sure Jake wouldn't care. The only time I left his room was to go to the toilet and shower and whenever I did I would always be as within ten minutes, which was quick for me.

"Hey Jake" I whispered a couple of minutes after our parents had left. I talked to him a lot when we were alone, which was not very often seeing as his parents were practically living here too.

"So it's day three today. It's been 84 hours and 32 minutes since you were put into a coma. You should wake up soon, well I think you should. It has been long enough, right? I mean you must have rested enough by now? I know you're tired and I know you're probably hurting but do you think maybe you could just move your hand for me? Just move your finger? Please Jake please. You know this is killing me right?" I said as a tear trickled down my face. I usually didn't cry in front of Jake, I wanted to keep positive to him, but it was becoming too hard.

"I love you so much Jake. I hate this so much and do you know what the worst part is? The worst part is this is all my fault. I know your parents told me it wasn't my fault, but I know it is. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be here and I would still be able to see your beautiful smile." I cried into his sheets as I rested my head on his bed and took his hand in mine. "I think that's what I miss most, your smile and your laugh. You know just your smile could make me happy?" I said looking up at him and smiling weakly. His smile was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, everytime he smiled he made my heart skip a beat. His laugh was beautiful too. I could listen to him laughing all day; I would never get bored of it.

"Kissing you" I heard a hoarse voice croak. My head flicked round to look a Jake. He was lying there his eyes barely open, but still open. I jumped up leaning over him, quickly pinching myself to see if I was dreaming.

"What?" I replied, excitement bubbling up inside of me.

"That's what I missed most, kissing you." He croaked again, smiling weakly.

I leaned towards him and kissed him gently while reaching over and pressing the call button.

"I missed you so much Jake." I whispered, kissing him on the cheek as a doctor rushed in.

The doctor smiled when he saw Jake.

"Jake! How are you feeling?" He asked cheerily, "You've had this one very worried." He continued gesturing towards me before giving Jake a couple of tablets to swallow.

"I think I can make it up to her." Jake croaked smirking.

"I see you didn't lose your sense of humour." I said sarcastically, making the doctor laugh as I passed Jake a glass of water.

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