Happy Family

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(Shadow's POV)

Five years ago, I was sent to planet Earth to colonize it for my alien race and exterminate those who lived there and collecting the chaos emeralds to my father. But one important girl and her friends taught me how love and friendship is all about. I changed my mind of taking the planet and this made my father and brother turn against me but thanks to my friends they got defeated when I collected all the seven chaos emeralds. Now I have started a new life on this planet, even got a family. Right now I won't repeat my mistakes again.

I am married to my true love Nebula the earthling mobian hedgehog and we have our beautiful daughter Raven Maria Hedgehog. But that's not all; my wife Nebula is 8 months pregnant with another child.

(End of Shadow's POV)


Nebula hasn't aged in 5 years ever since Shadow resurrected her with his alien blood that gave her immortality. Right now, she and her husband along with their daughter are at the doctor's appointment to see how healthy the unborn child is.

"Mommy, will you be okay?" Raven asked her mother in concern.

"I'll be fine, Raven" Nebula smiled at Raven. The doctor scanned on Nebula's tummy and the ultrasound scanner showed the baby hedgehog inside Nebula's womb. The doctor looked at the screen and saw the baby moving.

"Your child seems perfectly healthy, Mrs. Hedgehog" the doctor said.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Raven said with excitement.

Shadow chuckled at his daughter, "You sure are excited, sweetie. Should I tell her, hon?" he asked his wife and she nodded, "The baby is gonna be your baby brother" the father said.

"Yaaaah! I got a baby brother!" Raven squealed in excitement.

Shadow shook his head smiling and pets Raven between her ears, "I'm sure you and him are gonna have fun" he said.

Then the doctor took off the scanner from Nebula and turns it off, "You're free to go now Mrs. Hedgehog" the doctor said.

"Thank you. So the baby will be born somewhere near September 23rd?" Nebula asked.

"Yup. I'll see you in one month" the doctor said.

"Okay then. See you" Nebula said and got up. She left the hospital with Shadow and Raven, heading back home. Raven held her Clawdeen doll in her hand and she enjoyed watching the series on Youtube.


As they arrived back at the luxury apartment, Shadow wanted to watch the movie again; James Cameron's Avatar. Ever since he saw that movie last year, he really liked it a lot. He inserted the disc into the DVD-player and he starts the movie. He gets to the couch resting against the pillow as he watched the beginning of the movie play.

Midnight jumped up on Shadow's lap to watch the movie too.

Shadow pets Midnight on his lap. The narration by Jake Sully was heard while Raven was just playing with her teddy bear in her room. She is not much a tomboy like her mother.

"I see you like this movie, handsome" Nebula chuckled and sits next to her husband.

"I know. Its great effects and actors in the movie. Man imagine how it would be like if you had an avatar body" Shadow said.

"Mmm, probably look like a mobian na'vi hedge-tiger" Nebula joked.

"Hehehe. You're too funny Nebula" Shadow said, they then continued to watch the movie. It showed that Jake's brother has died during the transportation and is cremated.

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