Mutual Dreaming

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The family is now asleep and Neptune's crib was moved to his parents' bedroom in case he'll have another nightmare again. The little hoglet was stirring in his sleep to whatever he's dreaming about. He may be a young toddler but with his father's alien genes, it's a possibility that he'll try to figure out how to fight his fear sooner or later.

(Neptune's dream)

He is once again in teenage form and he saw Iblis again, this time in a giant four-armed form.

"Well well weak alien hog? You dare challenge me?!" Iblis said.

"Hmph! I'm not scared of you, freak. This isn't real and you're not even real" Neptune growled.

"Is it? Well I can make your dreams into the worst nightmares!" Iblis roared and flew at Neptune. Neptune dodged him and landed up on a building in the dream. Iblis was nowhere in sight, probably just playing tricks on Neptune in the dream.

"Neptune? Is that you?" a 20 year-old black hedgehog with violet-blue streaks and reds eyes walks up to him.

"Big....sister?" Neptune gasped.

"How?" Raven asked.

"No idea! But watch out!" Neptune saw Iblis attacking them both.

(End of their dreams)

Raven woke up with a gasp as she heard Neptune crying again in her parents' room, she runs up there to see Neptune wailing out loud while Shadow and Nebula cradles him.

"Mommy, Daddy!" Raven said.

"Raven, go back to your room. We'll take care of this" Shadow tells Raven.

"But dad..." she tried to talk.

"No buts. Go to bed please" Shadow said.

"You don't understand! I was in Neptune's dream!" Raven said.

"How's that possible? Anyone can see another in the dream" Shadow said.

"I'm not joking, Daddy. I saw Neptune as a teenager in the dream" Raven said and goes up to her baby brother, "Neptune, you did saw me in the dream?"

"Ga...bwa..." Neptune nodded.

"And myself as a grownup" Raven said.

"For a five year old you have a good memory. We'll go to Godfather Silver tomorrow. He can see what's wrong" Shadow said.

"Okay. Can I sleep with you?" Raven asked her father.

"Very well. You can sleep with mom, Neptune and me" Shadow said.

Raven gets into the covers with her parents after Neptune has calmed down in his crib.


The next morning, Raven still had sleepy looking eyes after waking up. She's glad that it was Saturday since she has no school today.

"Was that boogey man you saw in your dream, Raven?" Nebula asked Raven.

"I don't know Mom. He looked like lava with four arms and tusks" Raven said, drawing a poorly drawn picture of Iblis, "And the city was like roasted. Kind a like from Teen Titans episode 'The End' where Trigon turns the whole world into fire" she added.

"Hmmm... Like this?" Nebula takes out her iPad showing a screenshot of Trigon sitting on the Titans tower like a throne.

"Like that. And he sounded very menacingly like a big bad meanie" Raven said.

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