Mephiles on the Loose

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"Okay Shadsy! Alright men, let's go before this new alien reaches the city!" Rouge said to some G.U.N troopers.

"Yes Miss!" The troopers run to their jet-planes along with Rouge to get to the area where Mephiles is heading.

When they arrived, they saw a purple aura glowing in the air.

"Alright boys, ready to capture him with the containment glass jar when he's at the ground!" Rouge said through the speaker.

"Yes Miss. Bring him down!" a G.U.N Trooper said. They fire some shots at Mephiles but he uses his dark abilities to bring some of the jet planes down. Rouge however dodged his attacks and fires a non-lethal missile at Mephiles to stun him.

"AARGH!! Just wait until I am at full strength!" Mephiles groaned. He was about to fire another beam when Rouge shoves him with her plane making him crash at the ground. She saw that some trucks from G.U.N arrived there.

"NOW!" Rouge shouted. As Mephiles was about to get up, the G.U.N soldiers pin him down with special made staffs and they took out a containment glass made for containing strong alien lifeform like him and Shadow.

"You don't know what's coming, I will kill you all!" Mephiles said before being locked in.


With Shadow and his wife; the alien hedgehog was heading downstairs of the Astronomy Research Facility of old junk and stuff. He spots his old damaged space-craft.

"What are you trying to find, Shadow?" Nebula asked him, turning on the lights.

"I need to find this device that Black Doom made for scanning alien species for information" Shadow said, opening the old space-craft door. Getting inside and tosses out his old damaged pieces of the space-craft, "Where is it? Where is it? Aha! Here it is!" Shadow got out of the space-craft and is holding a device that looks almost like from Pokémon XY series or a Pokémon Trainer's Kalos Region Pokedex.

"What's that?" Nebula asked.

"It's a scanner to scan an alien lifeform's status and information. Now I need to scan Mephiles and what alien he really is" Shadow said.

"Good idea. Let's go" Nebula said.

They leave the wrecked astronomy research facility to head to G.U.N base to scan Mephiles' species.


At Silver's house, he was babysitting Neptune and Raven until their parents get them back home. Luckily Silver knows how to take care of babies like Neptune. He was right now giving him a teddy bear to which the young hedgehog hugged tightly.

"Ga Ga booah" Neptune cooed and nuzzled on the teddy.

"He really is so cute like you Raven" Silver said to Raven.

"Yeah. Say godfather Silver, can you do that ESP trick on me again?" Raven asked. Silver was a bit unsure to do it. For he remembered last time that Raven landed on her bottom crying in pain.

"Okaaay, but I have to be careful" Silver shrugs. He then uses his ESP powers on her and lifted her into the air, "But just this once, okay"

"Okay!" Raven nodded as she was lifted. She began giggling as Silver spins her in the air and then lifts her up and down.

"I hope mommy and daddy are okay. I'm getting worried, godfather Silver" Raven said as she was lowered down.

"Don't worry Raven. Your parents are the bravest one I've ever known. Your mother is like a sister to me" Silver kneels down and held Raven's shoulders.

"But I'm worried if that boogey man that appeared in mom's job don't get us" Raven said.

Just then, Silver's iPhone started to ring and he answers it, "Hello? Yes, the kids are okay, Nebs.....Okay, I'll keep an eye on them. Raven is getting worried about you and Shadow.....Okay, I'll let her know. Just be careful to whatever that thing was. See ya" he hangs up.

"Was that Mommy?" Raven asked.

"Yes, and that Boogey man's name is Mephiles, an evil alien. He is locked in to be analyzed. But don't worry they will be alright" Silver said.


Shadow and Nebula arrived at the G.U.N headquarters to see this new alien. They saw him stand in the glass containment and he turns around, "What a surprise to see you two here. You survived" Mephiles said in a calm voice.

"Hmph" Shadow ignores this dark alien and scans Mephiles with the device.

"What is that?" Mephiles asked.

"Nothing. Just to take a picture. At least you don't have to smile for the camera since you don't have a mouth" Shadow chuckled and leaves the room along with Nebula.

As soon as they were at Shadow's work desk or cubicle, Shadow waits for his device to get some information of this new alien.

"I can't believe what I saw. He took your shade and transformed into an identical copy of you. How in the world did he do that?" Nebula said.

"I don't know. I've never seen this new alien before" Shadow said and his device bleeps that it's got something, "Here we go" he reads the info of Mephiles, "My god. Mephiles is an amorphous mass of darkness. He has the ability to take various forms by absorbing an individual's shadow to gain a form" he gasped.

"What else?" Nebula asked.

"He can control chaos energy and even use dark energy, energy blasts, duplicate and fly. He is also immortal, he can't age but still can be somehow killed" Shadow continued.

"Oh, god. This is not good at all. If he was an amorphous before, he can go through walls like a ghost. Ghosts are unable to be killed because they're already dead. But this is different. And we don't know how to kill him" Nebula said, pacing back and forth.

"We'll find out soon. At least he won't get us or our friends or family" Shadow said.


At Mephiles containment, Rouge was keeping an eye on the evil alien inside.

"Don't look at me, creep. You do look like Shadow but you're not like him completely" Rouge said.

"I will wield chaos energy like him I bet. Also there is something the guards didn't think of before putting me in here" Mephiles said.

"Yeah what's that?" Rouge glared.

"I can make myself go through walls at any time I like!" Mephiles chuckled, he then phases his hand through the glass much to Rouge's shock.

"WHAT?!?! Now that's just cheating to escape like that!" Rouge tries to tackle him but she went right through him.

"You cannot touch me bat girl, I do not bleed either! I tricked you and your men to capture me! Now I'll destroy your base with you in it!" Mephiles shouted. He then fires at the metal beams in the ceiling to make it collapse. Rouge pulls out her guns and tries to fire at him while he's in physical shape, but a falling vent pipe fell on her and she hits the floor. Her leg was stuck under the heavy vent.

"URGH!! ARGH!" Rouge struggled to get out and she sees Mephiles fly in the air.

"Now, die-...ARGH!" He charged energy in his hand but got hit by a purple energy blast.

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