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Everyone has a bubble. A bubble where they go when they're mad, happy, or just living their life. They may not call it a "bubble", but  believe it or not they exist. Bedrooms, kitchens, classrooms, desks, libraries. 

My bubble on the other hand is different. It's a literal  bubble, 17 000 000 kilometres in space.  A glass orb hanging in mid-air like a holiday decoration, so proud to be there, that its glass shimmers in the morning light. Well, not that I have mornings anyways. The sun is always there!

50 years ago North America disappeared. Everyone though that it was World War III. After all, thousands  of new technology pieces were being invented and global disputes were starting to form. The thing was, is wasn't North America that got destroyed. It was the world. Everything was crashing down -global warming, economic and political times, and land. North America thought that it would be best to leave. Maybe it would create more land, peace and freedom. Maybe it would solve everything. But it didn't. Families were left behind, homes too. The government tried to make everything right. -We were still sent up into glass bubbles. 

Now I live in a bubble. Millions of others do too. What the people down there (I call them 'the Roots') do, is extraordinary. They study, learn, play, and work. Most of all, they have the Earth. A planet with living organisms and a place to freely walk on! The Roots just think we're space junk. "Oh, how nice!" I sarcastically thought when I first heard, but then I realized that we had to stay undercover after all! 

Floating bubbles line space and they're amazing and beautiful. Amazing because they hold wonderful items of our old humanity. Books, technology, artifacts, and more. Beautiful because of the pattern that they form lining space. 

They're the moments in my life.

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