A Long Time Ago

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I can't believe that movie was made 70 years ago.

That's the first thing that I write , in on the soft pages of my notebook. This notebook has never been opened before. I've always wanted to save it for something good, and now I know want to do with it. Everyday, if I see something cool or different, I will write it in. I know. It's probably not the most creative idea, but I think that it represents me. Today, for example, I continue writing this:

70 years ago. Imagine what that must of been like. So different. One day the world will be on Earth again.
I glue in a picture of the movie that I watched, and then sign off.
Queenie Westbury, November 25 2086

I'm not really tired anymore, I realize, so I get out of bed to my one of my bookshelves. From there, I take my typewriter of the platform and set it on my lap. I put a fresh sheet of paper in, set the paper up, so it can begin writing, check the ink status, and since it's electric, plug it in. Then, I start writing my poem.
Day In The Park
I walk past the crisp leaves,
And my hair rustles in the autumn breeze.

As I pass people strolling in the park,
I heard a loud bark.

It's a dog, I realize!
One rather small in size.

I look around some more,
And see some other galore.

People are playing, people are laughing, hollering too.
I can't believe that I'm part of this wonderful thing to do!

After all today, is just a day in the park.


"Queenie?" I hear my mom calling and realize that it's 9:00. Not too late, but enough to wonder why I'm typing on an ancient typewriter. My mom comes in. "Sorry, I was just writing a poem. Was it too loud?" "No. Just wondering what you where doing." 

"Oh. Okay."

I can tell that she's about to say something, but the words never come out. Finally, she just says farewell. 

"Goodnight." she says with a tired smile, and turns around, exiting out slowly. She must of had a long day at work. 

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