My Bubble -The Poem

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It rests 17 000 000 kilometres in space
And moves at its own pace.

I live and grow inside it
And the reality of Earth, never hits.

Until one day,
I will take a stand,
Journeying through the haze and finding my way,
Through the foreign land.


That's my poem. The words slash against the paper, with my beautiful typewriter. I decorate the paper . Finally, it's ready.

Hello! Sorry for the super-short chapter (shortest that I've ever written!). Thank you SO much for continuing to read, and if you have any ideas please  comment down below. -I'm having a bit of writer block. Also thanks to:

-Star-Darling- iGogu236 and for adding It's Magic to their reading list. :D I can't believe you did!!!!!!!

Also, fangirl_Flame The-Blue-Beauty shemshemz and grodriguez509 for the follows.

Finally fangirl_Flame  , The-Blue-Beauty , and dreaming_kat for adding this book to your reading list!

Last but not least for my followers who always continue to follow me:

And all of you others! Thanks! Comment, read, and live your life!

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