Exits And Entrances

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The doors open and so do my eyes, as they see the glamorous room in front of me. The room that we just opened is as large as a ballroom and as magnificent as one too. Raised on a golden platform is something bright. So bright, that even as I squint to identify what it is, all I see is some glowing oval. Scattered around the room are pieces of coloured glass. They are laid gently on elegant cushions, some silver, white, gold, red, and yellow. Then, there are some on the curved walls that hang up from the ceiling. From the very middle of the dome are the fragments of glass that are green. It's so rare to find something green nowadays, that my gaze fixes on these morsels for the longest of time. 

"I think we should go now" I say to Ean says with a small trace of fear. I don't think that we should even be in this room. "This must be some sort of museum under construction. I'm surprised that we don't need a security code or something." 

"Yeah...Okay... Let's go." Ean seems quite different, like he's taken a stroll through some sort of memory lane. 

"Ean!" I exclaim. "I'm not going to even bother to check my watch. We're probably fifteen minutes late! Come on."


When we finally get out of that room, and ask 2 staff members for help, we arrive at The Visitors Room. Luckily, half of everyone else seems to be missing, but strangely  none of the staff seem to care. When I ask the person at the front desk (according to his name tag named Cadby E,) all he says is to not worry and that "they'll turn up soon enough". Strange. Then when I ask my teacher, all she says is  that "everyone's late sometimes". Checking my watch I realize that it's 9:15. I reached this bubble at 9:04. That's 11 minutes! The tour was supposed to start at 9:00am sharp! Finally, as the clock strikes 9:20, the rest of the people appear. They look a bit anxious, but other than that they're chatting like normal.

Just as this happens, another staff member walks in. Unlike the others, dressed in blacks whites, and shades of purple on their scarves or ties, she is wearing jeans and a blue-violet blouse. Along with that, she has a leathery copper satchel. The only similarity that she has with the others is a silver pin saying her name. Thelma A. "Hello!" Thelma says with a grand voice. Her hands are on her hips as she takes in the scene around her. Her bright orange hair is tied up in a braid bun and as she steps to the front of the room, her thin heels make a clacking sound. "My name is Thelma Wilford and I will be your guide." 

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