The Room With Broken Glass

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"How? What?!" Izzie nearly shrieks in surprise. She's an easy-to-read person. "Opal. Moxie. Signs aren't that hard to follow. How did you casually 'accidentally' break an ancient artifact?" she continues. "Calm down," I tell her, but I'm not in a calm state myself. Outside, yes I'm calm. Inside, I'm a little bit worried. They could and should get caught! 

"Tell us more." I say gently. "Not if she keeps on reacting like that!" Moxie says angrily. "All I'm going to do is listen to my music." she puts her headphones back on, but I snatch them off. Along with them comes her device. Moxie loves those two things, so she better listen now! "Fine." Moxie puffs rolling her eyes. "Opal, and I came with few other people here. We shuttle-pooled, and there was about 10 other people in my mom's shuttle. She was driving. When we arrived we entered through the Front Entrance. As we were going to the Visitors Room we saw a few signs. There was The Lab, The Shuttle Parking (where you would have been), and one other. It was tiny and worn, -it looked like it had been there for centuries. (Though that wouldn't have been possible.) Some of the people in our group wondered what was there as there was no label. Opal had just checked her watch. It was only 8:35, so we decided to check the place out."  Moxie is taking a big breath now. She's finally getting to her crime. Her, and Opal's.  "I seem to have forgotten the details of what happened after after. Do you remember Opal?" I know that she can clearly remember and it amuses me that she's pretending to forget.

Opal meanwhile seems to think that she's serious. "I do." she says slowly. "So, we were eh..." she's stuttering, something I haven't seen her do before. "Walking down the hallway in the direction of the sign. Nearby the door was ajar to The Lab. No one stepped in or anything, but a slip of paper fell out. Paper that of course was made here, from the modified pine trees. I thought that was interesting and that I might use it for our final Unit  Project, so  I picked it up. What I didn't realize though was the brightly coloured diagram on the back. I would've put it back if I knew, but by the time I figured out I didn't want to. We were almost there. Almost to the room at the end of the hallway. When we finally reached it I realized that it was one of the most magnificent rooms that I had ever seen. It was as large as a ballroom and had a shining golden platform standing right in the centre. I was amazing, it's shimmering surface standing there, mocking all the greatest riches in the world. It was the most beautiful  thing that I had ever seen. And then the walls! Oh they were another matter. Curved and elegantly shaped they perfected the looks. The whole room beckoned me to come forwards like a long lost  friend." Opal stops there, gazing into midair lost in thought.

I wait patiently. 

Izzie however, continues the story. "But it was too late. Everything had happened late. Some of our classmates Conrad, Mel, and Jaden had gone further into the room. To far really. They had looked into a big bin and took something out. No one really noticed, as they were all focused on the room and our doors that we came our of. The doors mysteriously camouflaged into the wall. Even if they had been paying attention all that they would of seen is a massive sphere, cloaked in a black cloth.  Then suddenly the object was impossible to ignore. Only a fraction of of it poked out of the cloth, but that was enough. By now it was shining like crazy. Mel was so thickheaded that she touched the surface a-and it exploded."

Wow. Moxie is waiting for some kind of response and Opal is finally paying attention. Izzie just stares at both of them dumbfounded. I meanwhile stare strait in front of me at the smallest lemon on the tree. I've seen this room that my friends were talking about. I saw it with Ean. 

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