The Casual Ride To School

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The next day, I don't see my mother. I wake up to the the blinding sun as always, but in the family room and kitchen only the rest of my family is there. Bellatrix is eating a breakfast of a special cereal mix (made in space of course), and reading a textbook for school. She's always so organized, but sometimes school takes up her whole life. She's in IBSV (International Baccalaureate Space Version) and she barely has time for anything. Luckily for her, today is one of her less busy days - she gets to go to school at 9am, and only has-10 assignments due today! Speaking of Bellatrix, she turns to face me. "Hey Bean Queen." That's her nickname for me. I know, it's annoying, but it's cool. Seeing my thoughtful face, she asks a question. "Aren't you excited for your field trip today?" I must look confused, because she reminds me. "The Plantatorium? Ring a bell?" 

"Oh! That!" I exclaim, remembering. The Plantatorium is a workplace where the food, plants, and agriculture are made. Many of the people in the LTC program liked to visit it, many of the people including me. 

"That?" she questions with a mysterious smile. "How could you not remember?"

"I don't know!" I answer, as I chug down a glass of milk. I spread some lenisde ( a condiment like butter) on my Lemon Bread. When I look up again she's read 40 whole pages. Wow. Soon, I'm packing my schoolbag and lunch, saying goodbye to my dad and brother Tobin, and heading out the door. Sorry, I should re-phrase. Heading out the anoíχte. Once I get out, I get onto a platform.  A landing platform. 

This platform is for shuttles that come around a few times a year, or for pizza. A few people like my family are luck enough to have one. Our shuttle is resting on a corner of the pale white platform. The sleek silver surface gleams in the morning light, which bounces off the Sun, millions of miles away. Each shuttle has a name, -this one is named Diahna, meaning beauty and swiftness. The shuttle is like a long jet. It has sides lengths with 30 feet of a silver-ish coloured metal, is exactly 9.34 feet tall, and is like a giant arrow. There are no windows, -at least visible on the outside-, and in the front there is one door. The door is like an anoíχte, except that when Diahna takes off, the anoíχte stays attached to the ground. I hop in the shuttle and carefully close the door behind me. The seven latches quickly click shut automatically, and I place my shoes in the metal box attaches to the ground. On Diahna, you can NOT wear shoes, as it might ruin some machine parts. Yes, the box is attached to the ground. Let me describe the interior of the space shuttle. Once you walk in you see a long room lined with a red carpet. By that, I don't mean the movie star type, but a literal red carpet. Along the sides are 20 seats. The seats are really big (around 3 feet) because they're filled with so much equipment. At the front, is a area like a cockpit area, including a ginormous window. I know, I know, I said that there was no windows, but this is a different type. It's called a specularoine. Specularoines are window-like objects,except that only the person inside can see outside, not vice versa. They blend in to their surroundings. Wouldn't that be cool to do! That's why from the outside you can't see any windows. I take a seat at the cockpit and check that my bag is safely stored in the metal box near the controls. You can't risk it drifting away! I pull, push, squeeze, and turn on the many buttons until finally I stop, and look at only one. It's the lever on the most right side, farther away from any other one. With one look at it, I put one hand on it, undo the many safety latches, and pull it. I hear the engines rumbling and, my seat shakes a bit. Diahna and I are taking off. 

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