Chapter four.

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One foot after the other, I cautiously make my way through the door. I keep my head down, not daring to look at her. Layla's eyes burn the back of my neck, her stare intensifying and my legs beginning to tremble.

All their eyes are glued to me, their whispers and laughs piercing my ears as they wait for the perfect time for her to pounce like a lioness stalking her prey.

Suddenly, my arm begins to sting as she grabs it roughly, her dagger nails breaking my skin.

"Just remember, Maddie." For once she uses my name, and yet, I can't help but to hate the sound of it coming from her mouth.

I've always been known as 'Tripper' to Layla so when she uses my name I can't help but wince.

She means business.

"This is my school. You can't hide, you can't run and if you dare to tell anyone...You do as I say or else." She trails off, nails still embedded in my bleeding skin. Looking behind, the group all nod in agreement. They are proud of her.

Finally letting go, I make a run for it. But not into the changing rooms. I've been threatened enough to know that walking past her would be an open invitation for the rest to devour me. 

Instead, I dart down the corridor towards my safe place hoping that the guy from earlier has gone to lesson already.

My hands turn into fists as I fail at attempting to control the panic. They go clammy and sting as my nails dig into the palm of my hand, distracting from the pain Layla had left. 

Wiping the salty water from my eyes, I heave open the heavy door and fall to the floor, landing on my hands and knees, I letting out all the upset and anger. Overwhelming relief pours through my body as tears fall down my cheeks and nothing is left to spiral inside my mind.

Sometimes it's best to give in to the panic.

What did I ever do that was so bad? Why does Layla feel the need to hurt me and why does no one ever feel the need to help me? She likes to make me more anxious then I already am. To make me terrified of the world. It's like she gets joy out of it.

The small closet is still glowing yellow with a deafening silence chopped up by my sobs.

The mental along with the physical pain gets too much sometimes. I don't know what to do with myself. I don't know how to make it stop. To make it go away.

I often wonder why I can't just be normal. Why I can't just stick up for myself, show every living soul who's ever laid a finger on me whose boss.

No one has the right to do those things. I have every right to retaliate. But I don't. I can't.

I'm startled and pulled from my thoughts by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

Slowly looking up, my watery vision notices another person, this time stood against an old Hoover.

Seeing his broad outline and curly hair causes me to recognize him. He's the guy from earlier, no longer whimpering but composed. His black eye still vibrant.

Grabbing my bag, I go to stand up and leave, but he steps forwards into the light. His face taut and a glimmer of pity in his eyes . This moment feels like a mirror. Only a few hours ago I was looking down on him, his face puffy and tearful and now, after a few hours in this dreadful school we have managed to switch positions. 

I think I've had enough pity for one day, without some random dude giving me the sad eye. Even if I did the same earlier. 

Going to open the door he clears his throat again. "You don't, you don't have to go." He stutters. "I would hate to kick you out there. Some people can be cruel you know?"

His words said understandingly. Almost like he knows how I feel.

Slowly, I place my bag back on the floor. Sliding down thee wall, I end up sat with my short legs pulled up against my chest.

"Jessie Oliver." He states, sitting down opposite me, the top of his knees poking out of his ripped jeans.

"Maddie Henderson." I reply, eyeing the cookies I placed earlier. "Want one?" I ask, reaching for them and opening the packet carefully. He nods in reply.


We both tuck into the bag of cookies, my cheeks now drying up and the gashes forming a scab. Luckily Jessie hasn't noticed them. I've tried my best to keep them hidden with the long sleeves of my jumper.

"How did you find this place?" I quickly ask hoping no one else will anytime soon. After all this is my safe place.

"I just kind of stumbled across it. I guess when you're sad you just look for anywhere that's quiet." I know that feeling. "I hope you don't mind." I shake my head in response before digging into my second cookie.

Jessie does the same.

"Don't, don't tell anyone about this place." I stutter. "Please." I feel silly for asking. Well, more demanding it of him, but I wouldn't know what to do if Layla were to find out about where I hide.

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