Chapter 8: The Trial

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The crowd silenced. The Crystal Gems were trembling in their seats, afraid to do anything. "The Crystal Gems stand before us today for the following crimes," White Diamond yelled to the audience. "More like sit and chained down before us," Ruby thought. "Disobeying orders that came directly from a Diamond, shattering Pink Diamond, harming Homeworld Gems, and causing Genm to rebel against us. Unfortunately, we have not yet captured the rebellion's Lapis, but we will have her soon." The audience broke into cheers. "And now the sentence for the ones who caused us trouble." Sapphire yelled, "You can't give us a sentence if we haven't been proven guilty!" The Diamonds.  and the crowd laughed. "Of course we can! We are the Diamonds! The Crystal Gems are sentenced to shatterment!" The members of the audience jumped out of their seats and clapped, shouting with enthusiasm. Every one of the Crystal Gems was crying, and Pearl was even screaming. "TAKE ME. PLEASE. TAKE ME AND FREE THE OTHERS. THIS WAS ALL MY FAULT!" Peridot was also shouting. "NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS! THEY FORCED ME TO! THOSE CLAUDS WERE GONNA SHATTER ME IF I DIDN'T OBEY THEM!" The Rubies grabbed her arms anyway, along with the other Gems. They all screamed. Pearl looked up to the sky, and as far as she could see through her tears, she saw a flash of blue.

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