The First Steps Towards Greatness...I Hope

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There was a ten year old girl living in the town of Mt Pleasant, in the year 2007. She was different than the other kids in her class, and her brothers. Her classmates liked to play outside, in the fallen leaves and on the playground. They did their schoolwork, stayed polite in class, and made friends with each other.

This girl, Morgan Annie Spencer, liked other things.

Morgan was extremely shy. She never played with her classmates. She was quiet in class. Though she was smart, her teachers wondered if she would get answers wrong on purpose. Some teachers tried for more information, tried to get the young girl out of her shell, but no progress was made. Morgan just wouldn't talk to anyone.

She was fascinated by murder. In place of homework, she watched crime shows. She liked figuring out who the killer was before the actors did. It was an game her and her aunt played, to see who could find the profile first or catch the killer. It was wonderful, until her aunt moved out.

Morgan still honored that tradition. Every night, she would watch whatever was on air and try to spot the murderer. If she had already seen the episode, she would see what clues she had missed. She liked testing her skills, pushing them. Her best case took her only fifteen minutes to figure out. Morgan had called her aunt to tell her about it. They were both excited at Morgan's increasing skill.

Her parents did not share the enthusiasm. Her mother didn't like that her sweet daughter was obsessed with these dark tv shows. Her mother thought she should be watching Disney Channel, and wanting to play dress up with other girls. Her father wanted her to do her schoolwork, and to do with all the smarts he knew she had.

Morgan knew better. She was different. She wasn't smarter than her class, she was just older. Fourteen years older, to be exact. She had to play dumb for her own survival. She couldn't let anyone know she was a twenty-four year old woman inside of a ten year old girl. Morgan knew that she was a freak, and if she wasn't careful everyone else would know.

Though, she had a weakness. She couldn't resist an urge to help her friends. She didn't have any at school, and her brothers were too young, but she had the members of the BAU.

Soon, they would have her.


Three Years Later

These had been some tough years for me. It wasn't supposed to come easy, I would never ask it to be. All of my hard work would pay off, and it would be my hard work. It wouldn't be because my family called in favors.

For the past ten years, I'd been working towards this. It started with four years at Harvard, earning my Juris Doctor, a degree in psychology, and full honors. It'd been weird to get my degrees at twenty-one, but I was proud of it. After I graduated, I took the degree Home to hang it up on my wall.

There were four years spent in the crime lab in Vegas. They'd been excellent years, and my precinct did well. We solved a lot of cases, until I parted ways for this brief sabbatical.

There was six months of Academy training. They put me into specialized training soon after I graduated. I was graduating from that program next week, and I couldn't be more excited!

Course, those were three years ago, and in two different dimensions. Luckily for me, Megan Quinn has that entire thing on her background.

According to my file, I had graduated from Harvard with top marks in my class. There was four years of work in the Las Vegas police department. All in all, not to different from what actually happened. Man, sometimes I have the best luck!

The only real difference was that Megan Quinn actually looked like a twenty-seven year old. She has my amber eyes, that in the right light was soft brown. Her skin was pale, matching with her dark orange hair. They were slightly almond shaped this go around, from squinting too long no doubt. I might need glasses in a few years for her. There was a bit of a cleft in her chin, I think it added a bit of spice to her.

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