The Meetings

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On my first official day in the BAU, I showed up bright and early. A real hour before I think I was supposed to. I think I needed the time to come to terms with all of this.

It'd been a wild couple of days! I graduated top of my class, much to Agent Rettig's amusement. All of yesterday had been spent on paperwork, nothing too exciting there. I was given my own badge today!

I ended up coming early. There were a few people milling about when I walked into the office. It was startling to see the bullpens so empty. No one was walking around, moving from desk to desk or putting files away. Derek wasn't at his desk, joking with Reid from across the room. Prentiss wasn't walking from her desk to JJ's office

It a photo of a friend, but before they were your friend.

It wasn't a nice feeling.

Yet, there was hope in my chest when I realized I'd get to see it slowly come alive each day.

With some time to kill, and a set of nerves, I set to making my desk a bit more welcoming. I didn't have any photos to put up, not of anything I could hang. Most were of me in cartoons, and oh yeah I had a different face. I'd make some memories here, though that'll take time.

Maybe I could get one of those cute pen holders? I'd have to go shopping later, if there was time. I did need some food for my apartment, at least enough for the week. My apartment could be compared to a shoebox. It was only for one person so I could adjust.

Which was hilarious to think about. I came from a big family. Every food-run was large enough to feed a village, and cost an arm. It was a pleasant change to only shop for one. Better yet, one who would only be there less than half the time.

In my musings, I hadn't noticed a man walk into the office.

"Hello." The man gave a small wave, before his hand clasped the strap of his bag again. "Are you Megan Quinn? They were starting today."

"Oh!" I gasped, surprised at how I hadn't noticed him coming in. "S-so sorry! I didn't see you...there. Yes! I'm Megan." I smiled politely at him. Though I knew most people would shake hands at meeting a new coworkers, I had never been an outgoing person.

"It's okay." He gave a polite smile back. "I'm your new coworker,

Just like that, I fell in love with Spencer Reid all over again.


The next few minutes went on in relative quiet. People filed into the office, already working out their various files and things before going to their case work.

To my delight, JJ was walking up to the bullpen with a folder. She made eye contact with me, then turned herself my way.

The blonde agent held the file out to me. I took it. "Nice to meet you, Agent Quinn. I'm Jareau, JJ if you like. I'm the unit liaison. My specialty is untangling bureaucratic knots. You'll probably be talking to me a lot. My door's always open, mostly because I'm never in my office, so just call me on my cell, okay?" I nodded. "We'll talk." She walked off to Hotch's office.

I got to work on the paperwork. Just the last few pages before I could go out on an official mission. It felt awesome.

In between some of the pages, I started to have some awkward small talk with Reid. I was having small talk with Doctor Spencer Reid. I may be twenty-seven, but I was also ten and this was blowing my ten year old mind.

It wasn't too long before Derek Morgan walked up.

"Hey, newbie." He called, before coming to lean against my desk.

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