The Fox

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She never liked the cases with kids in it.

She had been working in law enforcement for seven years. Any time kids were involved, she felt gutted. It never felt right. She knew that was a common shared trait in humans, that none of them could really handle dead children. Ones killed long before their time, in such brutal ways.

In some ways, it was most disturbing to Megan who was in many ways still a child herself. Her powers had only made her look 25. She still felt 10 years old, more days than not. She walked around her apartment, feeling like a child playing house. She finished reports on the most recent murders, feeling like a child who was writing an English assignment that would get some very concerned questions from the teacher to the parents.

She felt like she was looking at kids her age. If she was her true age, there was a chance they would've been friends.

It made Megan feel sick. It made her understand why her mother never liked her watching shows like this.

She could never understand the kind of people that hurt kids like that. The unsubs that tore apart young children, many of them younger than five.

The Fox had been an episode that kept Megan up for many nights.

Megan had tried to stop it. She worked hard to search up cases matching that description, like how the Fox killed his targets. She didn't get anywhere. She tried to report him, looking for a way to do it that wouldn't get it traced back to her.

There had been no chance.

So when she walked into the conference room to see Gideon standing in front of a whiteboard with a dead family, she wasn't surprised. She was heartbroken.

I'm sorry.

You just wanted a trip to Disney World.

Everyone deserves to see it at least once.

You shouldn't have gone through this.

Megan hated the child cases. She suspected they hated her too.

"Crawford family. Butchered in their homes." Gideon

"They look like murder/suicides." Megan commented.

Gideon hummed. "That's what we have to find out."


They had reviewed the case. Once everyone was up to speed, the case began. Megan was going over the autopsies in Hotch's office.

She was staring at the pictures. Megan was trying to make it look like it was to gather a profile, not instead watching with a disquieted horror at dead children.

"Sam Crawford. White male. Age 5. Multiple stab wounds. Laceration to the left ventricle. No defensive wounds present."

Megan saw a tiny boy, chasing after his sister and laughing. They were both so excited for their trip. She saw the silhouette of a body against a wall, a sobbing father watching helpless.

She saw her younger brother, Terrence. A tiny blond twig of a boy at age 6. Megan saw her memories of their trips to Disney, chasing after her brothers in the exciting crowd. She saw him laughing at the characters, at the fast rides, at water being shot in his face. There was only a happy boy

Now there was a corpse. A corpse of a different boy, but Megan couldn't ignore the differences any easier than she could ignore the sun in her eye.

"Allison Crawford. White female. 32. Multiple stab wounds. COD- Exsanguination."

Megan could only see her own mother. The age was the same, last Megan checked. They were almost the same, physically. Megan saw her mother planning the vacation. Megan had based her own planning of things by how her mother had planned that trip. Megan may not like her mother much, but what daughter was close to their mother? Wasn't it normal to want to spend as little time with them as possible?

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