Einstein's Gift

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So this took a long time. First off- sorry. My bad, others stories and school took priority. Second- I had a major life issue that this chapter kicked my face with so I couldn't write it without breaking down. Fun times, right? Yeah. So I wrote as little as I could of it. Which sucks cause this is one of my top ten episodes for the whole show.

So I picked the safest scenes. The safest non-triggering scenes because my therapist recommended it. Lucky for me Spencer had a birthday party so I could use that!


It had been a slow few weeks, as far as I could tell. The cases had all come in steady paces.

Things here were much more exciting. It was Spencer's birthday. Given his status as the youngest, everyone was making a big deal out of it. A big cake covered with candles, the big cake hat, I had to talk Penelope out of a banner. She compensated with a lot of gifts- to be fair, so had I but I tried to keep subtle with it.

JJ lowered the birthday in front of Spencer. The candles were brightly lit for a birthday surprise.

"Make a wish!" I cheered, holding up my camera.

Spencer gave me an amused flat look. I smiled, taking a picture. Derek laughed behind him.

"Come on man!" Derek encouraged.

Spencer blew on them. Just as they were starting to go out, they flickered back to life.

I took another picture at the confused look on Spencer's face. He started blowing again. Derek was practically cackling.

"Blow, baby blow!" Derek encouraged.

"I swear you almost had it that time." I told him.

Frustrated, Spencer blew again.

"Come on, Reid." Derek prompted, still chuckling.

"They're trick candles, Spence, okay?" JJ spoiled the joke to him. "They're gonna come back on every time."

"Oh, mommy to rescue you!" Derek teased.

"Mommy?" Spencer replied, offended and confused at the nickname.

"Stop it." I chided Derek, but not hiding my smile. "It's just mean at this point."

"Hope you like chocolate." JJ told us. She began pulling out the trick candles. Tucking my camera away on my desk, I moved to help her.

Spencer got up from his chair, walking over to where Gideon stood. As he did, JJ got to cutting the cake. What they were talking about was too quiet to hear over Derek's laughs.

"Agent Hotchner?" Agent Anderson called. Hotch walked to him.

The candles were quickly handled. JJ finished cutting the first piece out. I held it out towards our boy genius.

"It's your birthday, Spence!" I cheered. "So eat your cake before I shove it in your face!"

The birthday boy didn't look too enthused about that. Or about the cake.

"Yeah, come on Spence!" JJ encouraged him.

Spencer frowned, looking back to Gideon. "They're the only ones who call me that."

Still Reid came over to take the offered slice of cake.

"Thank you. Birthday boy." JJ cheered.

It was a good time.

A great party.

Until I saw the look on Hotch's face.

"Sorry, guys, the party's over." Hotch informed.

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