I Wish I Was

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The first time she picked up a weapon, she was ten years old.

Well it wasn't a traditional weapon, though that would've helped in that situation. It had been a rusty pipe, fallen to the ground amidst the piping of a basement.

She had picked it up, swinging it down on the head of Fungus. She hadn't thought about how hard to swing down. Or where the best spot to hit was. Or even how she'd got there. All she was thinking was that someone was in trouble and Fungus was in the way.

After her opponent fell Megan didn't even hesitate to smile.

Only after the dust had settled and she was back Home, sleeping in her own bed, Megan wondered about her reaction.

She knew her parents would be so disappointed in her. They were always talking about not getting into fights, of choosing the way of peace. They weren't hippies, just schoolteachers. She understood wanting that kind of peace out in the world, but she didn't get why that meant it was okay for kids to push her around but she couldn't push back.

Pushing back made her the bad guy.

So she worked hard to make sure she stayed on the right side.


She'd first held a gun two months later.

It was less of a spur of the moment thing. She had been watching TV as one does, then fell again into another world. Kim Possible, where a high schooler can save the world and still balance homework.

The gun hadn't been a proper gun. It was a retrofitted hair-dryer grappling hook. Wade wouldn't make her anything yet cause she mostly kept Ron from falling off ledges.

Megan pretended she hadn't been disappointed.

She would be satisfied with a tranq gun at that point. At least then, she would have something more helpful to add to the team.


She held a real gun after she became a lawyer. The client for the prosecution had thought the best was to win his case would be to scare the pretty young thing working for the defense.

She was allowed to carry when the threats escalated to violence.

She smiled with giddy pride.

Like a child who didn't realize it was a problem.

(The man found out it was a problem

And that Megan made it a point to never miss)


Megan took a deep breath.

'Front sight.' She aimed at her target. 'Trigger press. Follow through.'

The bullet tore through the paper, hitting it in the bullseye.

Megan had trained a lot for that spot.

She had aced all the tests on weapons. She had practiced using Hotch's technique for years, ages before he ever spoke the words into Spencer's ear.

She prepared herself again.

Another shot through the target.

She trained until she got that shot every time.


Since she had unknowingly taken Elle's place, there wasn't much she could do in this case.

There wasn't much she could do to get the ambulances there faster. She couldn't do that without adding suspicion.

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