Battles From Within

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We live in the shadows of our doubts.
Shadows of our own design.
We imprisoned ourselves in bars of Fear and shame,
While watching others live their lives Without worry.


Our minds are made of fear.
It's silky touch curls its way around Our souls.
It weaves its way into the depths of Our hearts,
Playing sickening symphonies on Broken heartstrings,
filling the essence of our frames with Tired tunes of failure.


There is no beautiful solution,
No glorified light at the end of this Hall of shadows.
We risk our hearts in an unending Battle of fear and doubt.
Some sever those strings, suffocating The songs of their suffering hearts,
Ending those haunting symphonies And fading, Finally, into eternal Silence.

Yes some of us fall, but we must pick Ourselves back up,
Haul our eyes to starry skies and Dream.
For these cages we have built are ours And ours alone,
We will meet their torture with a Kindness of our own,
Drowning the symphonies of sorrow With graceful melodies and serenades
That only we can hear.

We rise from the toxic ashes of our doubts and face the darkness
With a love only we can show.


Because we're human.

Whispers of the MindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora