Songless Music

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I lie awake and listen
to the screams.
The piercing reverberations like razors, cutting muscle, vessels, bone.
Periodic; unrelenting in their destruction.

I cannot stop it.
Relief is a forgotten sentiment in this place.
Like the flames of a dead fire its grace is gone.
It has died in the cold;
I will never feel its warmth again.

And once more heavy lids must close.
Carry my eyes away from
youthful night,
only to be greeted by the harsh,
cold light of another day of restless rhythm.

I am voiceless, hopeless.
This cacophonous silence of ironies
instills in me desire.
Desire for some unknowable action of which such quiet would warrant.

But my heart beats to a rhythm
I cannot sing to.
And it hurts.
Every beat a bruise.
Every pulse is pain.
As I grow deaf, drown and die
in the songless music of my soul.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to vote and comment if you did :). I'd like to thank coppered_curls for her amazingly helpful critiques on some of my poems ( I can't even begin to thank you enough! :) ). Anyways, thanks again for reading and I hope to see you all again soon! Until then ;)

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