Gone are Those Days of Wonder

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Gone are those days of wonder
Where bright was bright,
and dark was dark.
Where even the banal sparked
with beauty in the reflections
of youthful, glistening eyes.
Where Joy was a being
to be touched, and felt and held.
We walked with joy in our wake,
dancing through the music of our present into the untamed wilderness of Distant hopeful futures.

Gone are those days of wonder
where leaves were green,
and skies were blue.
Where birdsong filled the silence
of our minds with majestic melodies
of meretricious truth.
While all the time, it waited.

Lingering in the murky shade of beauty and radiance
like a king's bastard hidden behind
A seal of high royalty.
All the time it waited, patiently.
Waiting behind, just slightly.
O, but when it wrapped its malignant fingers
slowly round your sunlight-softened soul
it held on, tightly.

Time snatched away the dreams, the futures, the music.
With intangible claws it raked and shredded the simple, silent souls
of innocent, Hopeful hearts.
And left; Grin still lingering.

Time left, While you remained.
With nothing but the tatters of shredded hopes and heartstrings
to curl around your beaten frame.

Gone are those days of wonder
where bright was bright,
and dark was dark.
As mud-stained leaves spiral slowly towards
the unsuspecting battleground;
to set the trap once more.

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