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I left your hands.
Floating on a current of squeals and giggles you raised me above the ripples, so I could see the ocean.

You laid the world beneath my gaze.
Lifting me above the haze to
where the wind whispered to the sun like old lovers over afternoon tea.

It was in that moment,
Between rise and fall that I stood still with time.
Where our love met reality in the folds of intertwined smiles between a father and his son.
Where our hearts skipped beats to keep tempo with the rhythm of our laughter and the gleeful flailing of my feet.

But the descent would always follow.
The fall where fractured hope faded into the shadows of a hearts colder corners.
Where the ground would always beckon,
no longer a blissful ocean but a violent sea,
in which dreams were squashed and hopes were ruined.
But I never fell,
Because every time you'd catch me.

A/N Thanks so much for reading this! I'm not to sure about it and would love if you could leave a comment on what you thought or any advice you may have (only if you want to though ;) ) Again thanks for reading :D Until next time!

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