Children of the Embers

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We once drowned in the shadows of our souls.
In silent ceremony we feared the dark in which we sank.
The slowly suffocated screams our only melody,
as we wept through our dark Descent.

But no more.

In the depths of despair we dance
to the music of our hearts and the rhythm of our souls.
Where once we cowered in corners shrouded in the darkness of our doubts, we sing.
We meet the silence of the shadows with the symphony of our smiles

For we know the truth.

Yes, we may fall, and we may tire.
But forth from those glowing, crimson Embers,
Once more shall burst the fire.

If your reading this I hope you enjoyed it! I kinda experimented a bit with it and would love to hear any comments or constructive criticism on it. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Until next time! :)


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