Will She Ever See The Truth?

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Aubrey’s POV

Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom.

That's all who Chloe could think about, all who Chloe would talk about.

Tom. Tom. Tom.

'Oh, isn't Tom amazing?' Chloe would ask, a dazed look in her eyes.

'You bet,' Aubrey would respond, trying to hide the sarcasm, for her best friends sake.

'He talked to me a bunch last night, I think he might like me,' she would squeal.

And then Aubrey would reply while her stomach churned and her heart broke, 'Well, hon, you're fantastic, there could be a chance.'

'I really hope so. He's perfect for me.' Aubrey heard that last sentence so many times, but each time she couldn't help but discreetly roll her eyes. How blind Chloe was. Tom wasn't perfect for her, she was. Aubrey, her best friend. The girl who had been there for her for so many years. How many times had Aubrey been the shoulder to cry on when Chloe was upset about anything? She couldn't even count, it was probably in the thousands. And how many times had Tom been there?

Okay, granted Aubrey knew that Tom would never have been either way, but still, she couldn't imagine Tom actually sitting through and hearing Chloe cry and comforting her without wanting something in return. That's how all guys were, and they made Aubrey sick.

Why couldn't Chloe see who Tom really was?

Now maybe Aubrey was being a bit bias, but she did hear quite a few rumors about how tom's a complete dickhead. She also heard that the number of girls he's hooked up with is higher than any senior guy's, even the ones on Fraternities. Aubrey didn't like that one bit, but she wasn't about to go tell Chloe. She'll let her find out on her own, she didn't wanna be the one to break the news to her. Besides, rumors spread so fast that she's bound to hear it soon.

Aubrey knew that once Chloe found this out, her attraction for him would go down significantly. This is because Chloe was a virgin, something Aubrey loved about her, because they were practically the only two seniors who were, and the thought of losing her virginity to a guy who lost countless girl's before wouldn't sound appealing to her.

Aubrey couldn't help but sigh at the idea of her losing her virginity to Chloe, but then pushed the thought aside, she didn't like thinking of things that may never happen.

All these thoughts swarmed about in her head as she woke up, it was often the first thing she woke up to. She had just had an incredible dream, one where Tom was in a fiery pit of lava and she and Chloe were happily cuddling together in bed.

Alright... Aubrey didn't actually want Tom to fall into a firey pit of lava, she just wanted him out of Chloe's sight, and out of her mind.

She started to recall her dream, sending a pleasant feeling through her body, but then she felt someone jump on her, causing her eyes to flash open. Her vision was still foggy, but she managed to see a mist of firey red hair, and beautiful blue eyes.

"Are you awake?" Chloe asked.

Aubrey couldn't help but chuckle. It was a silly question considering she had just attacked her a second before.

"I think so," she replied lightly.

"Good. I was lonely. Wake up and spend time with me." Sometimes Chloe acted like this, a four year old, but Aubrey found it extremely adorable.

"Alright, hon. Give me a minute." Chloe smiled happily but didn't move. "Um... I kinda need to get up."

"Oh!" Chloe laughed. "Of course." She shifted off her, but didn't leave the bed.

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