Part 6- The dream

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Aubrey's POV

That night Aubrey was in her own bed. There was no need for the two girls to sleep together, Chloe seemed to be recovering from what happened very nicely, and she didn't invite Aubrey in her bed, so the blonde didn't bring it up. Aubrey was glad, though, in a way, because now she had the night to herself to think, instead of Chloe pestering her about sharing what was on her mind. Because, the exact thing that was on her mind was contemplating about whether or not to tell Chloe the truth about how she felt. At first she thought it'd be too soon, after the incident with Tom, but Chloe seemed to be moving on, and Aubrey knew that she'd beat herself up if she waited to long and the redhead found somebody else. After all, she was beautiful, talented, and just all around perfect. Who wouldn't want that?

All night she tossed and turned wondering if she'd be making the biggest mistake of her life by telling Chloe that she loved her, in more than a sisterly way, or if Chloe would say she felt the exact same way and the two would live happily ever after.

Aubrey weighed out the consequences, if she told her and the redhead didn't feel the same way, it'd be awkward at first, of course, but they'd probably go back to being close as ever, right? Chloe wouldn't stop acting touchy-feely if she knew that Aubrey felt differently about her. Would they stop cuddling on the couch together because Chloe would feel uncomfortable? Aubrey couldn't lose that. Moments like that with Chloe were golden to her, she couldn't bare the thought of her best friend treating her differently.

But, if Chloe felt the same way... Well, that would truly be perfect.

At 5 in the morning she finally made a decision, and fell asleep, more content than she'd felt all night.

Chloe's POV

(Chloe's Dream)

"Mama! Mommy! Wake up!" Johnny shouted as his little footsteps were heard running up the stairs.

"Ugh," Aubrey groaned. "I woke up yesterday, please baby?"

"Fine," Chloe huffed. "But i'm waking you up in an hour."

"Thanks, love."

Chloe hopped out of bed and ran to meet her adorable four year old son, but not before she placed a loving kiss on the blonde's cheek.

"Hi, Johnny!" she greeted cheerfully, yet keeping her tone down because they were still close enough for Aubrey to hear. "Let's go back downstairs. Do you want me to make you some pancakes?" Johnny had acquired his mother's love for pancakes.

"Yes! Yes!" he squealed, causing Chloe to laugh as she picked him up.

"Then let's go!"

She carried him down the stairs, greeting him with multiple kisses on the way.

"Mama! Can't breathe!" he complained, although a broad smile was on his face.

"Sorry, tuts," Chloe smiled. "I just can't help myself, I love you so much!"

"Hehe!" he squealed. "Do you love me more than you love Mommy?"

Chloe paused on the last step. "My love for her is different, sweets. I can't compare the love, but, what I do know is that my love for both of you is eternal."

"What's 'eternal'?" he asked curiously.

"It means... It means that I'll never stop loving you, ever, no matter what. It's ever-lasting love."

"Oh," he replied, his eyes wide. "That's a lotta love!"

"It sure is buddy."

(back to reality)

Chloe woke up in deep sweat. 'What is going on?' she thought.

The rest of the night Chloe couldn't fall back to sleep. The dream kept replaying over and over again in her head. She couldn't shake the feeling that she felt towards Aubrey during her dream. At first the idea of having... those feelings for her best friend scared her too much that she pushed those emotions away. But as the night went on, and her tiredness grew, she allowed her mind to wander a bit out of her comfort zones.

She started imagining what it would be like if she and the blonde were together. Aubrey was also so good to her. So kind, so loving, so patient. She couldn't imagine Aubrey being a bad girlfriend. In fact, she had full confidence that she'd be an amazing one. Then... then her mind starting going into dangerous territory. She pictured herself kissing Aubrey, something she never would have imagined she'd be imagining. At first she thought it'd repulse her, not because she didn't find the blonde attractive, she thought Aubrey was drop dead gorgeous, but because she was her best friend. But... it didn't. In fact, as she pictured it, a warm pleasant feeling starting building up inside her. This shocked Chloe to no end, but she also wasn't too unhappy about it.

But then she realized she was missing a big part of the picture. What if Aubrey didn't like her back?

Chloe realized that she never took this into consideration, which was very silly of her. Were there signs in the past that maybe showed that Aubrey had these similar feelings?

As she recalled them, questioning Aubrey's actions and expression, a memory hit her like a boulder.

"Idiot!" she shouted to herself as she remembered how there was something Aubrey wasn't sharing last night. She remembered how the blonde seemed particularly nervous that night, and how when Chloe started interrogating her, Aubrey's defense was "I can't tell you!" or "Not yet!"

If Chloe was interpreting this right... Then Aubrey was probably planning on coming out to her!

The thought made Chloe squeal with excitement.

Is this what you want? she asked herself carefully. "Do you want Aubrey as a girlfriend? Are you sure this is how you feel about her? But Chloe didn't need to ask herself twice. She knew in her heart that she belonged with Aubrey.

Should I let Aubrey tell me first? Or should I be brave and do it first thing in the morning? This was a tough decision for her, and she didn't allow herself to fall asleep until she came up with a final resolution. At 5 AM she picked, and drifted off to sleep, happier than she had felt all night.

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