Part 8- Pancakes (Fluffy Chapter)

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The next morning both girls were extremely giddy. They were constantly smiling and were always kissing or holding one another. Besides their separate showers, they were with eachother the whole day, staring lovingly and flirting like teenagers.

"Babe look!" Chloe squealed, although Aubrey was three feet away, unloading the dishwasher. Chloe was sitting at their dining room table, searching the web on her laptop.

"Yes, darling?" Aubrey put away the plate she was holding and walked over to Chloe, embracing her with a hug from behind as she arrived. Her arms were now slung around the redhead's neck, and her head was leaning on her shoulder.

Chloe nuzzled her head into the blonde's as a sign of 'hey babe' and pointed at her laptop screen. "It's a recipe for 'The Ultimate Pancake Experience'."

"What?" Aubrey laughed.

"That's the title of the type of pancake! I didn't make it up! But ooh look! They have sprinkles in the batter!"

"Mm, that looks delish, hon! We should make it."

"Can we?!" Chloe squealed, like a six year old hearing they could go to the ice cream shop before dinner.

"Of course!" Aubrey responded, unwrapping herself from Chloe's neck and pulling a seat closer from the other end of the table.

"No, sit here." Chloe got up and patted the now empty chair.

"But you-"

"Just sit!"

So Aubrey sat. "Where do you go now?"

"On top of you." Chloe then plopped herself down on Aubrey's lap, causing the blonde to laugh.

"Works for me." The two shared a quick kiss and then got back to looking at 'The Ultimate Pancake Experience' recipe. It called for rainbow sprinkles in the batter, various molds so that each pancake could be a different animal, and glaze to be poured on top of a steaming hot stack.

"I think this is a recipe for little kids," Aubrey pointed out.

"So? We're only 21. It's still young enough," Chloe pouted.

Aubrey laughed loudly when she read the fine print. "It says 'Suggested for your 4-10 year old kid as a birthday surprise, special treat, etc.'"

"Who puts age limits on foods?!" Chloe sounded horrified but Aubrey comforted her by rubbing circles onto her back.

"I don't know, hon. But don't worry, we're so making it."

"I call the elephant!"

"Alright, dibs on the pig, than."

"Oink oink little piggy." Chloe started to snort like a pig and Aubrey couldn't help but adore her cuteness.

"I suppose you do fit in the age limit," she teased, causing the redhead to slap her playfully.

"Oh hush. If I do, than you're in love with a ten year old. And that's just weird."


Chloe winked and got up from Aubrey's lap. "Let's make sure we have all the ingredients."

"I don't think we have sprinkles, or glaze to coat the pancakes."

"You mean, to coat the piggies," Chloe corrected with a playful grin. A grin that could melt anyone's heart. It was no wonder Aubrey fell in love with this girl.

Aubrey than got up from her chair and met Chloe who was standing behind the counter.

She pulled her in so that the redhead's arms were slung around her neck and Aubrey's hands were on her waist. It was like they had just finished slow dancing and were about to have their first kiss on the dance floor.

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