Part 5- Aubrey's strange behaivor

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That night the redhead had a surprising dream.

(Chloe's dream)


"Chloe? Wake up," Aubrey whispered in her ear.

"Mm, no," Chloe muttered back.

"Come on, it's 11:30! We have plans for today, remember?"

"Hmm, yeah, I do remember," she mumbled into her pillow. "Alright, I'll get up."


So Chloe reluctantly got out of bed, nearly knocking into Aubrey on the way to the bathroom.

"Woah, sweets, watch out," Aubrey laughed.


"I'm making pancakes. How many do you want?"

"Um, 3?"

"Sure thing, coming right up." Aubrey pulled Chloe in for a quick kiss.

"I love you," Chloe said.

"I love you too."

"Now go make my pancakes!"

"You sure do love them, don't you?" Aubrey teased.

"Yes, I do. But not as much as I love you."

"I should hope not," she laughed.

"Oh, just come 'ere already!" Chloe giggled as she pulled the blonde in for a deep kiss, a warm pleasant feeling spreading through her body.


Chloe woke up in the middle of the night, her dream shocking her awake.

'What was that all about?' She thought. 'I don't like Aubrey that way! She's my best friend but... She's a she! She's a girl! No, Chloe, it was just a dream. It's probably because you feel really vulnerable right now and Aubrey spent all last night comforting and hugging you. Those feelings for her aren't real.'


Aubrey woke up not knowing the time, but looking out the bright window and deciding that it was late enough to wake Chloe up. Hopefully a new day would help heal the pain.

But after glancing down at the peacefully sleeping redhead, she deciding against waking her up. Instead she slyly moved out of her grip, and went to the kitchen, wanting to surprise Chloe with pancakes ready for her when she decided to wake up.

The pancakes were hot on the griddle, they were nearly done, when Chloe waltzed into the kitchen, greeting Aubrey with a smile. She looked much better than she had the night before, but the twinkle in her eye was replaced with a sad glow.


Chloe woke up again, still not able to shake off the weird feeling that she had got after recalling her dream. It was strange... She couldn't explain it, but... she also couldn't deny that it was in the pit of her stomach, growing even.

"Hey, Chloe... Feel any better?" Aubrey asked hopefully as she walked into the kitchen, her stomach growling.

"I do. Thank you for everything you did last night, again."

"Seriously, you don't need to thank me, hon," Aubrey laughed good naturedly. "We're like sisters, and sisters are always there to support each other."

'Sisters,' she thought. 'Of course. Aubrey loves me- as a sister. Nothing more, nothing less. Just... forget about last night's dream. Afterall, it was only just a dream.'

"You alright?" Aubrey asked, looking concerned as ever.

"Yes, sorry. Just... lost in thought."

"What's on your mind?" Aubrey asked gently. Chloe, unwilling to share at the moment, gave her an awkward smile, hoping she'd drop the topic.

"Don't," Aubrey warned. "Don't think about what happened.That won't help you forget, and it certainly won't do any good. That's all in the past, alright? Please, try to move on from that."

"Oh no! Not... not that," Chloe corrected. "Sorry, i wasn't implying..."

"Oh goodness and now i just reminded you. Shit, hon, I'm really sorry-"

"Hey, it's alright. It... It doesn't scare me anymore because I'm here with you now. And you'll protect me, right?"

Aubrey smiled. "Don't I always?"

Later that day Chloe was snuggled up on their couch with Aubrey, enjoying ABC Family's "Harry Potter Weekend Event". Chloe was wrapped tightly in Aubrey's arms, something that they did frequently, but this time it felt different. She couldn't exactly put her finger on this new feeling, but she didn't mind. It was a good feeling, either way.

She could tell Aubrey was nervous, but she didn't know why. She didn't ask either, because she knew her best friend, and the blonde always shared her feelings. Even if she didn't do it immediately, her best friend would always come around to open up.

But the night went on, and Aubrey didn't speak a word, not besides "Want me to make tea?" or various questions concerning the Harry Potter movies. This worried Chloe, and she thought about approaching Aubrey first, but then decided against it. Aubrey normally felt more comfortable sharing when she brought it up first. Chloe decided to wait a little longer. She promised herself that by the end of the movie, if Aubrey hadn't said anything yet, then she'd ask. No sooner, but no later either.

Well, it was the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and she switched the TV off, earning a confused look from Aubrey.

"We need to talk," Chloe announced.

"What is it?"

"Something's up with you, I can tell. Aubrey, you're my best friend, it's hard to keep secrets from me. I know you so well. So, if... if you want to, though I highly suggest you do, you should tell me what's wrong, so that I can help you, like you did yesterday for me. Or, if it's not something bothering you but something exciting you can't wait to share, then I'm all ears too." Chloe nodded confidently.

"Chloe, that's really considerate, but really, it's nothing," Aubrey shrugged. "Can we watch the movie again? You know the 4th one is my favorite."

"I'm not turning on that TV until you tell me what's wrong, Miss Posen."

Aubrey stifled a giggle at Chloe's authoritativeness. "Chloe, there may be a time that I share what's on my mind. But right now is not that time."

"But why not? Why not now? You can't keep holding in things forever!" Chloe said, exasperated. "You might burst," she added.

Aubrey laughed. "I don't think I'm gonna burst."


"I... I can't!"

"Tell me!"

"No! Not yet!"

"But why not?"

"Because i'm just not ready, alright?"

"Fine!" she pouted. "But you're going to have to tell me eventually, you know I don't let things go very easily."

"Yes, i'm aware of that," Aubrey smirked but then sighed heavily. "Okay, I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready, how about that?"

Chloe paused for a moment before sighing too and replying, "Okay."

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