Part 10- Aubrey's surprise

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"Where are we going?" Chloe giggled excitedly as they hopped in Aubrey's Prius.

"I'm not saying anything," Aubrey said, sealing her lips shut with a simple hand movement. "And you won't get a word out of me."

"I beg to differ," the redhead smirked.

"Oh yeah?" Aubrey challenged. "Because last time I checked, you can't assault the driver."

"...Fine," Chloe huffed, causing the taller blonde to chuckle.

"We'll arrive soon," she promised her girlfriend. "The suspense won't kill you."

"Are we going to be around lots of people?" the redhead asked casually. "Because I didn't put much makeup on and I'd like a proper warning."

"Who ya trying to impress?" Aubrey joked.

"I just wanna look my best," Chloe shrugged naturally.

"You always look your best," she promised. "You already have the most beautiful face in the world. I don't know why you put on makeup. It only covers your natural beauty." Aubrey looked over at her girlfriend seated next to her as she spoke. She couldn't help but stare. Chloe really was the most gorgeous girl she had ever met.

Thank goodness she was driving down a virtually straight road. When she realized that she was driving and had an obligation to keep her eyes on the road, they darted to the ugly black pavement, instead imagining her girlfriend's perfect features.

Chloe hadn't responded yet, but Aubrey didn't mind. She didn't take it as an insult, and the silence between them was comfortable, not awkward.

Chloe finally spoke, in a voice only louder than a whisper. "I've never been down these roads."

"I wouldn't think you have. They don't really lead to anything." Aubrey stopped at that.

She could feel her girlfriend's eyes stare at her in confusion, but only dared to look at her through her peripherals. She was afraid that if she caught full sight of the redhead's beauty, she'd get dangerously distracted again.

The two stayed silent for the rest of the ride. The drive was easy, so Aubrey laid her right hand on her leg, keeping the left one firm on the wheel. Chloe eventually picked it up, squeezing it tight. She didn't let go for the rest of the drive.

"Well, we're here," Aubrey announced, reluctantly letting go of Chloe's hand to unbuckle herself.

Chloe looked around, her eyebrows scrunching in confusion. Aubrey always loved the way she looked when she did that. "There's nothing here."

"Ah, but there is. We just have to walk to it." So Aubrey got out of the car, and walked over to Chloe's side, where she helped her out. "It's windy, you should take your jacket."

"Where's yours?"

"I'll be alright."

So the two walked into what looked like empty space. They had parked on the grass, with tall trees surrounding them. It was dark out already, so Aubrey didn't know if Chloe could quite make out her surroundings. Aubrey could perfectly; she had memorized them. She had been here countless times, how could she not remember exactly how the trees swayed in the wind, or how the grass felt wet at night. In fact, she had just come here earlier today, making sure everything was set up. Chloe had been in class.

Aubrey took her girlfriend's hand again and walked across the grass, feeling a jumble of emotions at once.

"Bree, there's nothing in front of us but a woods. Are we going in there?"

A small smile crept on her face as she tried to keep her mouth shut.

Aubrey didn't even pause when she walked straight into the woods, enormous trees engulfing them, though she did feel Chloe's tug of restraint.

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