Part 7 (Chaubreyyy)

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Chloe woke up to her alarm clock obnoxiously beeping. She whined when she saw the time was 8 o’clock, since she had only fallen asleep three hours ago. She slammed on the clock, in order to make it shut up, and peacefully drifted back to sleep.

Aubrey’s POV

She woke up at ten o’clock, feeling refreshed and awake as ever. Today was the day she was going to tell Chloe how she truly felt. When she thought about admitting it to her, it just felt right. She was confident that it was the right thing to do- despite Chloe’s reaction. She reasoned that the redhead would never treat her differently, no matter what. She reasoned that if Chloe kindly told her that she didn't like her that way back, yeah, maybe it’d be awkward at first, but the two would go back to being best friends, and the awkwardness would go away. She knew that.

She got out of bed, hopped into a quick shower, and then studied her closest, deciding on a perfect outfit to wear. She normally didn't care about her looks in the house, but she wanted to look nice today. She wanted to look nice for Chloe.

Chloe’s POV

Chloe woke up feeling energized and excited, with a splash of nervousness. She decided to wake up Aubrey with a surprise breakfast, then take things from there. She had decided to tell her first thing in the morning. She didn't want to go throughout the day, nervous and jumpy, waiting for Aubrey to say it first.

She had cooked eggs, toast, blueberry pancakes, and bacon. It was a feast fit for kings. She looked at her work, satisfied, and headed into Aubrey’s room.

Aubrey’s POV

Bacon? Did she smell bacon?

Both POV

Chloe knocked on Aubrey’s door lightly. “Bree?”

“Oh, Chloe! One second!” Aubrey currently had no shirt on, because she still couldn't figure out the perfect one to wear. But hearing Chloe knock caused her to grab the nearest one she could find and throw it over her head. “Hey,” she said, trying to be casual when she opened the door.

Chloe laughed, “Is that my shirt?” She remembered misplacing it a few days ago. Who knew it was in Aubrey’s closet.

“Oh is it?” Aubrey blushed. “Sorry, I... I wasn't wearing a shirt when you knocked so I threw it on,” she responded truthfully. “I could change-”

“Are you kidding? Silly Bree. I don't mind when you wear my clothing! I just thought it was kinda funny.”

“Oh, right, of course.” Aubrey looked flustered. Chloe wondered if why she was so nervous was because she was indeed going to admit her true feelings today. Her hands got sweaty and she nearly dropped the plate she was holding behind her back.

“Here,” she said, presenting the tray.

The blonde’s eyes grew wide. “You made all this?”

“Yes. For you. Enjoy!”

“You’re not gonna help me eat this?”

“Nope it’s yours,” she said. “Here, I’ll bring it over to your bed. Breakfast in bed.”

“Chloe, that’s... that’s really sweet. Aw, i can’t believe you made me this. Really, you didn't have to. I could’ve easily prepared myself something...”

“I know, but I wanted to do this for you.” Chloe looked down at her feet nervously after she placed the tray on Aubrey’s lap, who had just settled on her bed.

“Come sit,” the blonde invited, patting the bed.

“Oh, okay.” She took a seat and watched Aubrey munch on bacon. The blonde offered her a different slice, but Chloe politely refused. “I... I need to tell you something.”

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