part 9- the diner incident

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The next day the two were still as giddy and flirty as the day before. The two were laughing and giggling continuously on their walk to their favorite deli.

Aubrey had her hand around Chloe's waist and the other girl was using both of hers to tell a story.

They arrived at the deli just in time for Chloe to end the hilarious story, and walked in, being greeted by the smell of fresh coffee and sandwiches.

"Hello dearies!" The owner, Barbara knew them quite well. She knew their orders by heart. "The usual?"

"Yes please," they responded in unison.

"I'm paying," Aubrey announced as she wrapped both arms around Chloe's small waist.

"What? No way!" Chloe retorted. "Why would you pay?!"

"Because I say so."

"That's not a reason!"

"Doesn't matter, I don't need a reason. I'm paying."

"No. You're not paying," Chloe responded stubbornly.

Aubrey let go of her waist, brought Chloe's face into her hands, and kissed her nose, causing the redhead to try to force away a smile, but failing miserably, because it was in her nature to smile. "I'm paying."

"Ladies, it's on the house," Barbara cut in.

The two looked at her gratefully and Aubrey said, "that's very kind of you. But really, you don't have to."

"I want to. You two are such valuable customers. It's my way of saying thank you."

"Well, then, we'd like to say thank you for that."

Barbara waved her hand dismissively. "Anything for you two ladies. And, ah! They're ready. Are you two eating here or to go?"

"We'll stay," Chloe replied.

"I'll fetch some trays then, one moment."

"Take your time."

Aubrey had let go of Chloe's face when Barbara had said it was on the house, but she hadn't moved her feet. When Barbara left to get the trays, she leaned in again and planted a kiss on the redhead's lips.

"I'll pay next time," she said when she broke away.

"We'll see."

"You're so stubborn," Aubrey said with a smile.

"I know, but you love me anyway."

"Here you are," Barbara said as she loaded the trays. "I added something extra in there too that I think you two might enjoy."

"Oh, that's so nice of you. I'm sure we'll love it," Chloe smiled broadly as she grabbed the trays and brought them to where Aubrey was seated.

The two were at a small table fit for two, in the back corner. They normally didn't sit there, but Aubrey wanted some privacy, now that they were together.

"So," she started as Chloe sat down. "Is this our first date?"

"Do you want it to be?"

"I have something planned... But that could always be a second."

"Oh, babe, you have something?!" Chloe asked, surprised and pleased.

"Yes. I've dreamed for so long of taking you out on a date. I want our first one to be perfect."

"Than, no. This isn't a date. I don't want to ruin whatever you have planned!"

"Okay, cool. Thanks, hon."

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