Part 2- The morning after. No, not that way

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The rest of the day Aubrey stayed in her room, crying and sleeping. Chloe left her alone, except when she brought her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Aubrey was sleeping every time her best friend walked into the room, lucky for her. But, little did she know that Chloe also kissed her on the top of her head when she set the meal down on the small coffee table whispering, "I love you."

The next day, everything had been forgotten. Well, Aubrey didn't forget it, but she acted like she did. Chloe didn't forget it either, but she wanted to, so she acted as if she did as well. She wanted to believe that Aubrey was just in a bad mood, and having someone pestering them about opening up wasn't helping. Or maybe she had just gotten her period. Either way, she didn't want to think about how much Aubrey had hurt her when she sent her out.


Aubrey's POV

Aubrey woke up the next day, feeling terrible about what she had done to Chloe, but not regretting it. She was afraid that eventually Chloe would figure out her true feelings, or she'd end up getting Aubrey to admit it, and that was something she was not ready for. She didn't know if she'd ever be ready for it.

She hesitantly walked into the kitchen, hoping that Chloe wasn't too pissed at her.

"Chloe?" she called out as she turned the corner. Excepting the girl to run out and start screaming, Aubrey was extremely surprised when the red head ran out and smashed into her, with a hug.

"Oh, Bree, I'm so glad you came out, I was so worried about you."

"You... you were?"

"Of course, you're my best friend and I love you."

Instead of feeling jubilant that Chloe said those three little words, she only felt sad, knowing that the girl only meant it as a friend or a sister.

"I don't know what was wrong with me," Aubrey sighed, speaking the truth. "But I'm really sorry I was such a bitch to you, i didn't mean it. You know I always love it when you hold me like that and have me talk about my feelings. Please let me make it up to you."

"Aubrey, you don't have to do anything, I'm not mad at all, I promise."

"Well, then you're upset with me, and I won't stand for that. Come on; let's go get breakfast, my treat."

"Um, Aubrey..."

"Really, it's okay. It's the least I can do."

"No, I mean..."

"I'm in good shape, I won't snap at you again, please don't think of me like that, I would never hurt-"

"Aubrey!" Chloe shouted.


"I'm trying to decline because I'm going on a date with Tom in an hour!"

This time, Aubrey couldn't even mask the horror. "WHAT?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I found out yesterday, and I didn't want to bother you! I promise we can hang out when I come home."

"How could you do this to me?!"

"What... what do you mean?"

Aubrey was about to yell, 'How could you plan a date with Tom while I'm crying into my pillow because you don't love me back?' but instead she channeled her anger and said quietly, "Nevermind. Have a swell time."

She raced back into her room and cried. 'Well,' she thought. 'Looks like another shitty and depressing day.'

Chloe's POV

Chloe looked into her full length mirror and studied what she was wearing: a casual dress, not too fancy, and not too revealing. She had been waiting for this day to come for months, and she couldn't help but feel excited, despite Aubrey's protests. She didn't know what was wrong with her, and why she had gotten so mad. Yeah, she understood that maybe ditching her today wasn't the smartest idea, but she wasn't about to reschedule. And besides, Aubrey had said she was fine.

Still, Chloe couldn't shake the look of absolute disgust Aubrey had shown when she announced she'd be going out with Tom. Chloe knew that the look was brought on by more than just the fact that she was declining her offer; did Aubrey have something against Tom?

But before she could think about it any longer, there was a soft knock on her door.

Pushing the bad thoughts aside and focusing on the good ones, her date with Tom, she opened the door with a broad smile on her face.

"You look beautiful," Tom commented.

"Thanks, you look quite handsome," Chloe giggled. He really did, though. He was wearing a nice blue button down, and khaki shorts. It was casual, but neat.

"Thanks," he replied. "So, shall we get going ma' lady?" he graciously offered an elbow to her, and she happily took it.

"Where to?" she asked curiously.

"I was thinking to the quad, where we could have a nice picnic, and then maybe a movie?"

"That sounds wonderful."

"Yes!" he said, causing Chloe to laugh flirtatiously. "Then let's go!"

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