Chapter 6

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Yamaguchi blushes at Hinata's words.

He's so carefree and accepting. What a cool guy...

Yamaguchi smiles. "Thanks Hinata."

Hinata moves from Kageyama's shoulders and goes over to him.

"Blue is such a nice color on you Yams! You look like a beautiful prince!"

"Shōyō you're making me blush...."

Hinata touches the necklace. "Hey, this is really pretty. Where did you get it?"

"From Tsukki! He gave this and the sweater to me for my birthday. Isn't it the coolest thing you've ever seen?" Yamaguchi gushes happily. Hinata nods and jumps a little.

"I didn't know Tsukki could be so nice! He also has good taste in fashion...!" Hinata replies. Whilst Yamaguchi and Hinata gush over the presents, Tsukki sighs by Kageyama. The air is awkward and thick.

"Yamaguchi looks happy..." Kageyama finally says. Tsukki averts his gaze with tinted pink cheeks.

"I'm glad he is. We spent a lot of money on this stuff so he better appreciate it," he replies before walking off. Kageyama flips his hair out of his face and walks off too.


Yamaguchi receives a lot of nice gifts from his volleyball team.

"Aww Suga...this is such a cute cat card...!" Yamaguchi tells the mother of the team. Suga smiles from next to Yamaguchi and hugs him.

"I figured you'd like it."

"Ok, ok. Now you have to open my present Yams!" Hinata yells while shoving a bag into Yamaguchi's face.

He opens the last gift. There's a blue button up shirt, hair clips, and a drawing that Hinata drew. In the drawing, Yamaguchi has a large crown and the team is around him. He's wearing heels and stepping on some people labeled as "Jerks." Yamaguchi giggles.

"I like this. I'm putting this on my wall when I get home. It's inspirational," the birthday child laughs. Hinata smiles and hugs him from the side.

"Well it's to show how much we support and love you, Yams! We REALLY want to make sure you know that, because we don't want you feeling uncomfortable. Tsukki told us that some people don't believe or like it," Hinata says. Tanaka sits up.

"Well, if anyone has an issue, just tell us," he says, grinning and holding his fist in the air. Nishinoya agrees and throws his hands into the air. Tsukki nods.

"T-thanks everyone, that makes me feel better." Yamaguchi smiles, his cheeks red. "I really appreciate the constant support."

"Yeah, yeah...but enough of that now. It's getting too lovey in here, so let's have some cake," Tsukki says.

That's my Tsukki...he hates these kind of situations, but I know he cares...


After the party, Yamaguchi and Tsukki sit in Tsukki's room. Tsukki lays at the top half. Yamaguchi has his head on his friend's torso, feet hanging over the edge. They are on their phones, looking at funny photos and articles.

"Hey, do you like makeup?" Tsukki suddenly asks. His friend shrugs.

"It's nice. I think I'd like it a lot more if I knew how to put it on. It's really hard," the freckled teenager replies. Tsukki looks over.

"I've just been seeing a lot more American boys wear makeup. Maybe they're more accepting...." he replies.

Yamaguchi turns over, facing his Tsukki. His hands are on his warm torso; he can feel his friend's heartbeat. Tsukki's legs are on the sides of his friend now; he looks up from his phone.

"You don't have to buy me anything, Tsukki," Yamaguchi finally says. Tsukki smirks.

"I wasn't going to. I just wanna get an idea of what you're into. Jeez...I buy you a present from your birthday and you're all over me..." he replies, looking down again. Yamaguchi hides his face in his friend's stomach.

"I'm not all over you..." he mumbles. Tsukki laughs a little.

"I meant literally, not figuratively, hun," he replies. Yamaguchi blushes and sits up.

"Sorry, Tsukki..." he says.

"Stop apologizing for stupid stuff. Now, you have to come back because I'm getting cold. You can't just leave me when you've been laying there for an hour!" Tsukki scolds. Yamaguchi knows he's just goofing off, but he insists and lays back down on him.

Tsukki hadn't expected his friend to do that, but doesn't show his surprise. He thinks to himself.

Holy shit...he's really warm...and look at him...he's so pretty...

I'm actually a little mad that he left...but now I feel better...

Wait, why am I getting so worked up inside? It's just Yamaguchi...

He blushes and rolls his eyes, sighing. They both look on Tsukki's phone, looking at some funny posts.

Eventually, the freckled adolescent falls asleep soundly. His friend looks down on him.

"What will I ever do with you, Yama...?" He says to himself softly before setting his phone down.

It's about 10 now. I guess it's been a long day too...

He must be really tired.

I hope he's been sleeping better. I know he's been worried about those bullies...

I'm worried too. I won't stand for it...

Yamaguchi...I have to protect you...

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