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Yami sat on his bed, thinking over what Yugi had said yesterday

'If you like her you should ask her out!' Those words kept ringing in his mind over and over again

He sighed standing up, as he left Kame Game to go try and figure out what to do to get you to go out with him

You sat on your bed thinking about your duel yesterday, but something was off

Yami and Yugi seemed like twins and looked almost identical, but Yugi was much more cheerful and talkative, while Yami on the other hand was mature and queit

You sighed, wanting to figure out why Yami seemed to get along with Yugi perfectly, but seemed to hate you

'Why do I care what someone thinks about me?'

You then realized something you hadn't even thought of this whole time...

'I think I'm in love with Yami...'

Yami thought hard about how to ask you out, but since he barely knew you, he had a lot of trouble

He made a list of everything that you might likeDuel Monsters
Sadly that was all he could think of...

You were pacing in your room, troubled about what you just thought of and if it was true or not

"Y/N, you need to snap out of this, you just met him!" You scolded yourself hitting your head

"I can't be in love! I just met him! I don't even thinks he likes me back so if I do like him, it'll be pointless and a heartbreak!" You face-planted on your pillow in defeat, not wanting to accept the fact he might not like you back

'I never thought I would ever be in this situation...'

You sighed and walked out the door, the warm Spring air greeting you

'That's perfect!' Yami thought of a perfect way to ask you out, now all he had to do was find you, and hope you shared the same feelings

He started to walk toward your house, knowing it wasn't that far from Kame Game, when he saw you locking your door

'Here goes nothing...'

You sighed as you walked towards the nearby park and sat on a bench facing the swings

You came here a few times with Mokuba, but Seto always said he was too busy to be doing childish things

You sighed thinking of your past when someone approached you from behind

"Y-Y/N?" A voice asked from behind you

"Yeah Yami?" You asked turning around with a bright smile

'Maybe he does like me back...'

"D-do you want to duel?" He asked nervously knowing what he was dueling for

"Sure! Just don't ask so nervous, not like lives are on the line!" You smiled pulling out your duel deck

"Ok, but there's one thing..." He said nervously looking you in the eye


"If I win... You have to go on a date with me..."

i'm just pasting my old chapters

word count - 488

Someone Who Cares Yami Yugi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now