duel thing

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You and Yami have been dating for almost 3 months now, and although Seto never really cared much for you, you were kind of scared about what would happen if he finds out.

You swung your legs out of bed, ready for whatever may happen when a thought hit you.

'I could take control of Kaiba Corp...'

You were the only real Kaiba, other than Noah, who is trapped in Cyberspace, so technically, you should have control. Your father had said one day that you would take control of his company, and he didn't really like Seto much, so you expected if anything, he'd want you to have the company.

You decided you would duel Seto for the company.

~outfit is chapter picture~

You walked along the road, duel disk with deck on your arm, as you made your way to Kaiba Corp, your rightfully owned company.

"I need to see Kaiba, right now!" You said slamming your fists on the front desk, startling the lady sitting behind it.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Kaiba is not seeing anyone today, do you have an appointment?" She asked going back to doing whatever on her computer.

"No, I need to see Kaiba right now!"  You yelled startling the woman again.

"If you dont have an appointment I can't-" she was cut off by a figure in the elevator.

A figure in a white trench coat (gotta love that trench coat).

"Y/N," Seto spoke coldly stepping off to stand in front of you. "Didn't expect to see you. Eh, not all dreams come true I guess," he smirked

"We need to duel. I rightfully have ownership of Kaiba Corp." You stated raising the arm with your duel disk.

Seto smirked at this idea."I've been looking for an easy dueling opponent... Although if I wanted to duel someone on your level I could have just dueled a rat," he smirked once again causing you to roll your eyes.

"Fine then, if your so positive your gonna win, let's duel!"

You and Seto took positions on the roof of Kaiba Corp, as people lined the streets below, pointing upward to where you and Seto stood.

"Ready Kaiba?" You asked taking 5 cards from your deck, then an extra.

You studied the cards in your hand. Gravedigger. Shrink. Pot Of Greed. Reflect Bounder. Scroll Of Bewitchment.

You thought closely, before choosing.

"I play Pot Of Greed and draw two cards." You drew Monster Reborn and Insect Armor With Lasor Cannon.

'This could work...'

"I play Reflect Bounder, and use Scroll Of Bewitchment to change Reflect Bounder's attribute to insect type, then attach it with Insect Armor With Laser Cannon. Finally, I play a card face down."

~le timeskip~

"I use Polymerization to fuse my three Blue-Eyes together, creative g the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" Seto exclaimed as a large, white, three-headed dragon with piercing blue eyes came onto the field.

'Oh Seto... So predictable... It's gonna get you in trouble one day...'

"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, white lightning attack!!" Seto yelled as a white ball of electricity came out of the three mouths, coming straight towards Y/N's Dark Magician Girl.

"Not so fast Kaiba," Y/N laughed as she pressed a button on a duel disk. "I use Mirror Force, and since you only had 2,500 life points left... Oh my god Kaiba! You were wrong. Not surprising." You said sharing Seto's smirk as his life points dropped to zero.

"First Muto, now you?! It was bad enough I was beat by that spiky haired fre-"

"Don't you dare talk about my boyfriend like that!" You snapped cutting him off

"Your dating Muto?!" Seto exclaimed surprised

"Do you have a problem with that?" You spat back at him

"I may despise you but your still a Kaiba, and if word gets out your not dating someone rich, that could ruin the family name!"

You rolled your eyes and the end away, walking towards the exit, only turning back to say seven simple words, sharing Seto's smirk

"I'll need the keys to your office!"

word count - 672

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