tmw you give up on chapter names

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You and Yami walked around for a while as the sun started to set, leaving an orange glow over the horizon

"I should probably get home..." You said a little sad, not wanting the date to end

"I'll walk you home" Yami said a little sad as well but took you to your house nonetheless

You entwined your fingers with his and walked with your head on his shoulder until you got to your house

"I had a great time Yami" You said hugging him and kissing his cheek once more before walking inside

Yami smiled, glad to know you didn't just go on the date because he won, but because you truly seemed to like him

You sighed sitting on your bed smiling about today, before you laid down and closed your eyes

You awoke to the chirping of birds outside your window

You opened your eyes slowly, the morning light shining on your face

You sighed remembering it was Monday as you swung your legs over the bed

You put on the school uniform, and you walked out the door

"Hey guys!" You said cheerfully as Yugi and Yami walked out of the game shop

When Yugi saw you he ran off leaving you and Yami there alone

"I guess we'll walk together" You chuckled walking up to Yami and entwining your fingers

Yami smiled as you  started walking towards the school

"Bye Yami" You said walking into your classroom before giving Yami a quick peck on the cheek

word count - 251 wow short

Someone Who Cares Yami Yugi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now