Chapter 1

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I ran as fast as I could after them. Those leeches messed with the wrong people. I could still see them, they were fast but I'm just as fast in this form. If you're confused, let me explain. My name is Alice I'm a 24 year old werewolf and I'm also a vampire hunter. Why do I hunt vampires? Well they killed my family when I was 16 leaving e to fend for myselve. It's been hard but now even though I'm a girl, I'm the best hunterr around. An added bonus is the fact that I'm a werewolf so I'm just as fast as vampires when I'm in wolf form. Okay back to the start. I've started gaining on the last one of their group. He seemed injured as he was slower then the others and slightly limping. When I got close enough I lunged at the last guy but before I got my teeth in him another lunged at me, saving his friend.

"GO!" He yelled to his friends who where stunned. As soon as they heard him repeat his command and saw me getting up they ran. I growled at the guy.

"We can talk about it, right?" He says holding his hands up and backing away as I stalked towards him. 

"I take that as a no." I lunged at him but he's fast and managed to dodge me and pin me to the ground.

"I don't want to hurt you." He says as he strugles to keep me pinned and avoid my teeth at the same time. 

"Please change so we can talk." His concentration faded for a second giving me the opportunity to bite his arm. He pulled away before I got a firm grip but I still did some damage to his arm. He took a couple steps away craddeling his arm and standing in a defensive pose as I prepared to attack him.

"No don't!" He yelled right before I sensed a presence behind me, before I could react something hit me in the head and everything went black.


I started to wake up slowely. Everything was blurry and sounds where hazy.

"Why did you do that?" The sound of the guy from earlier's voice seeped into my sensitive ears.

"She would have killed you." Another replied. 

"I had it under control." The guy from earlier said. 

"She's a werewolf and trained hunter, Zach. She already hurt your arm, she could have easily killed you."

"You don't know that, besides my arm wasn't that bad, it already healed."

"What are we going to do with her now? If she wakes up she'll kill us. We should kill her while we have the chance." I heard rapid movement.

"I won't let you kill her." 

"Why not? She would do the same." 

"Because she believes we're a thread, if we show her we're not she won't kill us."

"I'm not risking my live because of this stupid idea you have about peace." 

"Then leave. I won't let you kill her." 

"Fine." The random voice yelled before I heard a door being slamed shut. Soon after I felt a soft touch on my forehead, it felt like a damp towel. I opend my eyes to be greeted by a pale face and blood red eyes. I growled threateningly trying to back away but my back hit the wall.

"I won't hurt you." He said. He gave me a bit of space as to make me feel comfortable. I noticed I was wearing a dress instead of just sheets like I expected. You see werewolves are naked when they turn back.

"Who's clothes are these?" I asked keeping a close eye on my surroundings.

"My mother's, well she's not actually my mother but she's the closest I've had since I changed." He explained. I slowely nodded in acknoledgement.

"Why didn't you kill me when you got the chance?" I already heard what he and the other person talked about but I still wanted to hear him say it. He sat down next to me on the bed. I moved away from him but he gave me plently of space. 

"I believe in peace between our races aswell as us and humans. For example I only drink animal blood." 

"That's smart to say when you're talking to someone who's part animal." For some reason I couldn't help but feel comfortable around him. His eyes grew big as he moved back and held up his hands as to surrender.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I wouldn't drink your blood. Not that anything is wrong with your blood but still you're part human which makes it wrong but nothing is wrong with you as a person." He started rambeling. 

"Hey it's okay." I cut him off before he could go on. He relaxed slightly smiling at me and showing his fangs in the process reminding me of what he is. 

"Look, I'll let you and your friends go this once if you promise to never return to my village." His mood seemed to drop after my words.

"I had actually hoped we could be friends, you know to show people we can peacefully live togheter." I sighed. 

"Look I get that you have this idea of a perfect world but grow up it's not. I'm a hunter you're a vampire we'll never be friends. It's really sweet that you don't kill humans but not everyone does that and if I make an exception for you, I have to make an exception for all of you. I have a reputation to keep so no we won't be friends and if I see you or your friends around my village I won't hesitate to kill you." He looked away thinking.

"Okay. I'll bring you back to where my brother knocked you out."

"Thanks." I replied. We got up from the bed and he guided me outside. We walked in silence untill we came to the place I recognised from yesterday.

"Thanks, now please hold your end of the deal. I've got a reputation to keep." I told him before turning away from him and shifting. He sighed.

"I will." After that I left. When I saw my village comming closer I stopped running and went to one of the trees I've hidden spare clothes in. I shifted back and got dressed.

"You know you look better in you own clothes." I spun around quickly and pinned the person behind me to a tree.

"Chill it's me." The Zack guy said. 

"What are you doing? You said you wouldn't come back if I let you live." 

"Exactly, I didn't leave so I didn't come back either."

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