Chapter 3

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I walk downstairs still in my shirt only. When I get in the kitchen a presence apears behind me. The smell of vampire fills my nose.

"Hey." A voice says. My canines elongate togheter with my claws. My wolf is too big to shift into while I'm inside. I turn around quickly and pin the person to the wall, growling and showing my canines while my claws on my left hand dig into his right shoulder and my right hand is wrapped around his throat.

Chapter 3:

"Woah, woah! It's me!" Zach says holding his hands up. I quickly let go of him.

"If you want to stay alive, don't ever do that again." I tell him pointing at him.

"I'll keep that in mind." He says before his eyes start roaming over my body.

"Eyes up here leech." I tell him pointing to my eyes. He quickly snapped out of it looking up at my eyes. He coughed awkwardly looking away this time. I moved to the counter and made myselve some coffee.

"I suppose you don't drink coffee?" I asked him. He shook his head no.

"No it doesn't really fullfil my... hunger." He told me slightly pausing. I just nodded, I still can't believe I let a leech live in my house.

"I'm going out into town for some food, don't break down my house." He nodded while I walked to my room upstairs to get dressed. Fully dressed, I walk into the village.

"Hey Alice!" Lizzy from the bakery greeted me as I walk inside.

"Hey Lizzy."

"The usual?"

"Yeah." She gets the bread from the shelve and puts it in the machine to cut it in slices.

"How is the leech problem going?"

"As usual." Yeah people here know about vampires and werewolves and they all know about me being a hunter.

"Luckely we have you." She tells me handing over the bread. I hand her the money but as usual she refuses.

"You already do enough, you know this."

"Thanks Lizzy."

"No problem." I walk back into town. I didn't even walk for 2 minutes before my name was called. I turn around to see Jack running towards me. Jack is the Beta of the nearby pack.

"What do you want Jack?" If you didn't notice, I'm not really on the best of terms with this pack.

"I just want to talk to you. You know I like you." On top of that Jack thinks I'm his mate.

"Just tell me what you want Jack."

"I just want to offer you a place in our pack. You don't have to be alone anymore, I can help you. We can help you."

"Like you did 8 years ago?" 8 years ago when my family got killed I went to their pack but the previous Alpha refused me. I was to young to be an asset to the pack.

"It'll be diffrent this time. I already talked to Matt and he's okay with you comming." He says taking a step foreward and putting his hands on my hips. I steped out of his grip and took an extra 2 steps back.

"Stop touching me every time you see me. I'm not going with you. I'm perfectly fine on my own like I've been for the last 8 years."

"But your my mate. You have to come with me."

"I'm not your mate. Let it go. I'll never come with you." I say before walking away from him and towards the forrest to find some firewood. I heard him follow behind me.

"Why do you keep rejecting me? Is it because we didn't help you 8 years ago?" I turn back around to face him as soon as we were in the shadow of the forrest.

"I don't feel anything for you. Let it go. We don't have a mate bond. I don't know what you feel for me but it's not the mate bond."

"Alice I..." Jack got cut off by some rustling. I stop walking and turn around looking at my surroundings. Jack was doing the same. Suddenly a vampire jumped from a bush at Jack. He quickly dodged it while throwing a punch hitting it in the face.

"Aren't they supposed to burn?!" He asked while the vampire stubled backwards.

"He's protected by the canopy I think." I reply getting in a fighting stance. The vampire regained his focus and looked my way. Jack took a step in front of me protectively.

"How cute a werewolf couple, too bad you need to go." He taunted. Jack shifted and charged at the vampire ofcourse, the vampire was faster and knocked him out.

"Idiot." I mutter. The vampire turned back to me.

"One down one to go." The vampire charged at me but I was prepared. I had my claws elongate behind my back so the vampire wouldn't notice, aparently by the look in his eyes when I pushed them in his chest, he actually didn't. I pulled my claws out of his chest and used this moment to claw at his neck to try and cut it off but the vampire noticed what I wanted to do and grabbed my wrists pulling me towards him.

"You're a feisty one. Even stronger than that boyfriend of yours."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Doesn't matter I'll still kill you." He says before plunging his fangs in my neck. I screamed in pain but quickly kicked him causing him to be ripped of me, before swinging my claws at his neck, this time succeeding in decapitating him. I felt blood pour out of the wound on my neck. I knew it left a big gash from when he tore away but it was the only way to get him off. I look down at Jack and the vampire both unconsious on the ground. I sighed before lighting the vampire's body on fire and pulling Jack's arm over my shoulder. This is going to be a long walk. I dropped Jack at a bench in the town centre where he would be save, I didn't want him in my house, before going back home myselve. I was starting to get lightheadded and grabbed on to as much things as I could, fearing I'd fall over if I didn't. I soon spotted my home and walked over as quickly as I could. Walking inside I knocked over a vase and some pictures that stood at the entry of the living room.

"Alice?" I heard Zach's voice from the kitchen. His voice was followed by footsteps comming my way but they where starting to fade just like my vision was fading.

"Hey I was wond... Alice? Oh god what happend to you?" I suddenly saw his face in front of me.

"Vam... vamp..." I couldn't even finish my sentence before I felt my legs give away and darkness consume me. The last thing I felt were cold arms catching me before I could fall on the ground.

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