Chapter 11

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"If the sun burned our skin, its protective layer burns away. You could say that in that spot our body turned back into a human. The only difference is that the sun has a bigger effect on our skin. Since our body has turned back into a human in that spot we can't heal it like we do with regular wounds. If the damage is to great, our entire body could turn back human."

"Is that bad?" I ask after Killian explained everything. Zach and Killian exchange glances before they gave me a sad look.

"Our body would turn into its actual age." Killian explained again. I gave him a confused look before the pieces came together. And in that same moment Zach voiced my thoughts.

"We die, Alice."

Chapter 11:

I sat down on the couch next to Zach. I just starred into nothing letting this information sink in. 

"Does...does that mean you're dying?" I finally ask Zach. My voice had a slight quiver in it. I just came to terms that I like him and I'm already losing him? 

"I can't loose you. Please, you can't leave me." I tell him. Moving to hug him and doing my best not to cry. He wrapped his arms around my body.

"SSsshhh don't cry Alice. It'll be alright. We don't know if I'm going to die. My wound are slowly healing there's still a chance I'll make it. A big chance even. Right, Killian?" He said that last part like he wanted Killian to agree with him, but he wasn't to sure it was the truth either.

"There indeed is a big chance you'll make it. How long ago did this happen?" 

"Yesterday." Zach replied.

"We won't know for sure until 3 days have passed." I look up at Killian without fully letting go of Zach. 

"Why 3 days?" 

"That's the time it usually takes to heal. Everything after that is a risk." 

"That means we might only have 2 days left?" 

"Alice." Zach says placing his hand on my cheek to make me look at him. 

"I'll make it. I'm not going to die. I won't leave you unprotected from these wolves." 

"Maybe it'll be better if we got a way from here before they find us. Using your power could do more damage than good." Killian says. 

"Why?" I ask, since he already used his power yesterday. 

"It'll take a lot of energy. Energy you need to heal." He said the last part more to Zach then me. 

"I can handle it." Zach replied. 

"I'm not taking chances, Killian is right we need to get out of here. Tonight." 

"Alice it's..."

"No, we're leaving. Tonight." With that I stood up and went upstairs to pack a small bag with necessities. A couple hours later, around noon, there was loud knocking on the door. 

"Alice! we know you're in there." The voice yelled. I recognised it as Jack. 

"Don't make me break down the door." I exchanged glances with Zach and Killian. 

"How did they find us this fast?" Zach wondered. 

"We need to do something." Killian added. 

"Let me handle it." I told them. 

"No!" Zach protested. 

"No, Zach. The sun is at it's highest. You two can't do anything right now. I'll handle it." With that I walked to the door and slipped outside trying to minimise the amount of sunlight I let inside. 

"What do you want?" 

"You of course. You live with and helped a vampire into the village and near our pack. You endangered us all and for that you need to be punished." 

"He isn't even dangerous. He would never hurt anyone." 

"You've gone insane Alice. You started trusting the one thing that took everything from you. You're family your live." 

"He wasn't the one that killed my family and took my live as I knew it. You and Mat's pack have just as much fault in that as vampires have. But he hasn't." I spat at him. 

"Oh please. Don't tell me you like him." I kept silent. 

"Oh no. Alice now you've reach an all time low. A werewolf and a vampire. Wonder what's going to come from that." He took a step closer to me and smiled. 

"You should have chosen me when you got the chance." He whispers before walking back a couple of steps. 

"Get her." They lunged for me but got thrown back by an invisible force. Suddenly clouds covered the sun and both Killian and Zach walked outside. 

"What are you doing?" I yell at Zach. 

"I can't let anything happen to you." He says his eyes on the wolves infant of us. Killian's eyes where on the sky. His eyes seemed to be clouded over and became darker right when it started to rain. Can he control the weather? 

"Ah look at that the boyfriend comes out to play. When's the wedding?Oh wait it won't happen." Jack sneered. 

"Oh it will happen, you just won't be here to see it." With that, they all got thrown back and a fight broke out. Zach took several steps forward until he was a save distance away from me. I didn't know where to look. So much was happening at once. Wolves where thrown away and crushed. Some changed back others didn't. The rain became more heavy and all I could see was mud and water falling down. Out of nowhere a giant shockwave pushed away all the rain. The rain stopped but the clouds remained. All the wolves where either laying on the ground unconscious or dead. Zach was standing in the middle in front of a dead Jack. 

"Zach?" He turned around towards us. 

"Alice." Was all he could whisper before his legs gave out and he fell to the ground. I ran to his side and slid in the mud until I sat next to him. 

"Zach?!" I yell at him shaking him and cradling his head in my lap. 

"Zach? Zach, wake up!" Wrinkles started appearing on his face and I saw him ageing in front of my eyes. 

"Zach! No! Wake up!" He opened his eyes slightly.

"Alice, it's alright." 

"No. Don't leave me! You promised! You can't leave me!" 

"It's alright. I love you." With that he closed his eyes. His head fell to the side and his chest stopped moving.

"NO! Zach wake up!" I cried. I moved my face to his chest and kissed him gently. 

"I love you too." I whispered. 

"Alice we need to go. The others will wonder where they are." Killian said placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"No I won't leave him." 

"Alice he's gone. You have to let go." 

"No!" We heard howling in the distance. 

"Come on Alice we have to go." He says gently pulling me. 

"No I can't leave him." 

"We have to Alice or his sacrifice would be in vain." He was now pulling harder and managed to pull me away from him. He picked me up so I couldn't go back, but I kept trashing.

"NO! LET ME GO! I HAVE TO GET BACK TO HIM!" I screamed trying to get back to Zach. Killian ignored me and ran away as fast as he could.

"I can't leave him." I whispered right before the town disappeared from my view. 

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