Chapter 5

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"Why don't you sit down, I'll take care of your burns." I look down at my body to see the burns still pretty bad. Burns are the only thing vampires have difficulty healing from.

"Why would you help me?"

"You saved our protector. Indirectly you saved us all. The least I can do is make you feel comfortable." I smiled at him.

"Thank you."

"Yeah yeah, now sit down."

Chapter 5:

I slowely woke up to the sound of hissing.

"Sit still." An unknown voice says.

"How can I sit still when you're hurting me." Zach replied.

"If you sit still it'll be over soon." There was silence after that. I slowely opend my eyes a white ceiling greeted me. I slowely turn my head in the direction the voices came from. There was a guy in a white labcoat wrapping bandage around Zach's naked torso. I noticed 3rd degree burns on the parts of his skin that weren't covered yet.

"W...what happend to you?" I asked softly but being a vampire he heard. His head quickly snapped in my direction and he was infront of me in milliseconds.

"You're awake how are you feeling? Are you in pain? Do you need anything?" He rambled.

"Zach, I'm fine. What happend to you?" The guy in the labcoat came up behind him and push Zach down in a chair.

"I said sit still." He told him sternly before finishing his work.

"What happend?" I asked again.

"You came home all bloody and passed out." Zach says.

"I know that, I meant what happend to you?"

"This idiot risked his live for you by running in the sun without anything to cover himselve." The guy who I now assume is a doctor told me.

"You did what?" I practically yelled at Zach.

"I didn't know what to do. You where bleeding badly I heard your heartbeat start to slow down. I didn't know what to do so I brought you here." I groaned and leaned back into the bed.

"Everyone could have seen you." I tell Zach.

"Noone saw me. I'm too fast for humans to see me when I run."

"Jack was still in town." I say more to myselve.

"Who's Jack?"

"The beta of the nearby pack. He's a werewolf. If you passed him he could have seen you." He leaned his face in his hands sighing.

"Stop moving." The doctor scolded him for the millionth time.

"I'm sorry. I'm messing everything up for you. If your mate saw me with you he's going to flip." He says sounding sad for some reason.

"He's not my mate." I tell him sternly.

"Oh, I just..."

"Assumed he's my mate because he's a werewolf too?"

"Yeah why else would a beta leave his pack to come into a village with only one werewolf?" I sighed looking away from him. I don't know why but it feels weird to talk to him about this.

"He thinks I'm his mate." I say softly.

"But you say you're not? How's that possible?" I heard the confusion in Zach's voice. I'm sure vampires don't have mates like we do.

"If you find your mate you feel this connection. The more you hang out with them the stronger the connection gets. Usually you both feel it at first sight, sometimes it takes a bit to start feeling it, but even then you feel comfortable with them."

"And you don't feel that for Jack?"

"No I despise him. I get this discusting feeling everytime he touches me. So no I'm sure he's not my mate."

"Then why does he think you're his?"

"I don't know what he feels, but from what I know about him he's a person that just wants a girl to sleep with and then dump untill he finds his mate. There are stories that he tricked girls into believing he's their mate just to get them in his bed."

"That's just cruel." Zach suddenly winced when the doctor tightened the bandage.

"You're done." He says before moving to his desc.

"Why did you risk your live for me?" I asked him. Feeling guilty for his injuries. He was silent for a moment. Thinking about something.

"You gave me a place to stay. It's the least I could do." We were both quiet just looking in eachothers eyes. For some reason I found his red eyes intriguing.

"The sun won't be down for another 3 hours. I'm going to move you two to the room next door. I still need to treat some other people." The doctor interupted our moment. Zach nodded. I too wanted to nod at him but the pain in my neck prevented me from doing so. I tried to get up but zach stopped me.

"You lost alot of blood. Just relax, I'll help you." I opend my mouth to protest but he had already picked me up. Stupid vampire speed.

"I know I'm fast you don't have to tell me."

"Did I say that outloud?"

"Sure did." Zach started walking to the door the doctor was holding open for us.

"Put me down Zach, you're hurt aswell."

"It's nothing I'll heal in a couple hours. By the time the sun goes down it'll be healed." I nodded realising he won't put me down. When he did put me down it was on the bed that stood against the back wall of the room.

"I'll come get you both when the sun is down." The doctor told us before leaving.

"Are you going to kill me now?" Zach asked softly. I kept silent for a moment. I did tell him I would if even one person knew about him living with me. But he did it to protect me. He saved my live.

"No I won't. Not now atleast. You saved my live. I owe you." He sat down next to me on the bed.

"You don't owe me anything. You already gave me a place to stay. You didn't kill me when you had the chance. It was the least I could do to repay you." He smiled at me after he said that. I smiled back taking his cold hand in mine. That was the closest we've gotten to friendly contact.

"Thank you."

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