Chapter 8

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"I told you she was dangerous, Zach. Look at yourself, you're weak. I might finally be able to kill you and then I'll be the strongest." Suddenly everything clicked as to where I saw him before. He was one of the guys that was there with Zach that night. I growl at him and took an even more defensive stand in front of Zach knowing these people already tried to kill him once.

"Alice don't." He whispered weakly.

"Oooh so you're protecting her now? If she wants to die by fighting me then let her."

"The only person who will die is you." I growl.

"Try me." I lunged at him, shifting in the air.


Chapter 8:

I moved to bite in his neck but ended standing on the same spot he was standing in before. Damn vampire speed. I just concentrated on the sounds of my surroundings to know where he went to. He had moved to stand behind me. I quickly moved to the side to throw him off then moved around and lunged for him again. He was sadly faster and knocked me to the side against a tree. 

"Foolish werewolf. I've seen all of those pathetic moves already. From previous werewolves or hunters. Even combinations like yourself. I've seen it all." He moved around me and crouched by my head. 

"I'll just put you out of your misery." He made a move that would kill me if it wasn't for him stopping right before he did. He hissed in pain and took several steps back, by doing so he revealed Zach, standing unsteady on his legs. His eyes seemed to glow and where locked on that other guy, Levi I think his name was.

"You won't hurt her." He told him sternly and suddenly Levi went flying into a tree behind him. Zach didn't touch him. He was still standing on the same spot as before. Levi scrambled back up. He made a move towards Zach but after one step it seemed like he could't move anymore. Looking back at Zach I noticed his eyes glowing brighter then before, his eyes didn't leave Levi. 

"You're choosing the wrong side brother." Levi yelled. 

"You're not my brother." After that Levi again went flying and ended up hitting his head on the tree behind him. He groaned trying to get up again but couldn't. Zach moved quickly, faster then my eyes could even comprehend. He towered over Levi who still couldn't get up. It was like an invisible force was keeping him down. 

"I'll just put you out of your misery." Zach says, using Levi's own words against him. 

"You're making a mistake Zach." Levi tried to reason. 

"She's got you blinded. You don't know what you're doing." 

"No, I'm finally doing what I should have done years ago." With that Zach moved at an incredible speed and the next second Levi's head was lying next to him. My eyes grew big at what just happened. Yes, I'm used to killing vampires but I've never seen a vampire kill another. I've never really been confronted with how dangerous some vampires can be, and Zach was one of the really dangerous ones. Zach turned around to me breathing heavily. His eyes weren't glowing anymore, he seemed even more unsteady on his feet. After he ran his eyes over me he crouched down and took Levi's jacked off of him and walked towards me. I kept following him with my eyes when he crouched in front of me and draped the jacked over my naked body. I hadn't even noticed I shifted back. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that." He whispered. I placed my hand on his cheek gently. 

"It's alright." He smiled softly. He then started to sway a little and soon fell to the side. I caught him just in time before he hit the ground. His head way laying on my shoulder and my arm was around his shoulders holding him securely to me. 

"Zach?!" I ask worried. 

"It's alright. I'm just tired." He tells me. 

"You're a vampire. You're not supposed to be tired." He just smiled up at me. His hands moves gently to my cheek. 

"It will be alright. I just haven't used that power in a long time." 

"What even was that? How did you do it?"

"It's telekinesis. I don't know why I got it but I noticed I could move things with my mind a couple days after I changed." His voice still sounds weak but he keeps himself awake. 

"Is that all you can do?"

"No I have more powers but that's the main one." I nod at him but quickly look around when I hear movement in the distance. It sounds like paws, walking. I smell the air to try and determine what it is. Jack. My eyes widen. 

"We have to go." I tell Zach, trying to get him to stand up. 

"Why? What did you hear?" He asked. Suddenly I hear more paws. 

"Come on. Get up they're coming." I helped him up. After some struggling he was standing up but leaning heavily on me. The sounds of paws was coming closer and by the way Zach tensed, I knew he heard as well. We started walking towards the village but suddenly a wolf jumped from the bushes in front of us and growled, mainly at Zach. We turned to move away in the other direction but another wolf blocked our way. In seconds we where surrounded by wolves. 

"Well, well, well what do we have here? A vampire and a traitor." I heard the familiar voice of Jack's Alpha Matt. We turn around to come face to face with Matt and Jack standing side by side, arms crossed over their bare chests. They were both only wearing shorts and had that Alpha and Beta look in their eyes. As soon as Jack recognised me, his eyes widened and his arms fell to the side. His look softened and was replaced by a look of shock. 


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