When he's ill

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He always braves through it and tries to ignore the fact that he can barely stand up. You'll always try to help him, but he likes his independence and always assures you he's fine until he feels so ill that he has to give in.

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John never likes to admit to being ill as he sees it as being weak, however you'll smother him in affection until he just gives in. He's defiant but you'll force him to rest nevertheless.

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Jasper is, as we know, incredibly dramatic. He always over exaggerates illnesses, whether he has a common cold, to a headache, to an intense sickness bug. Sometimes he just does it for your attention, but usually it's just because he's just a hypercondriac.

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Monty handles illness very well, and usually doesn't even need proper help as he can do it himself. But sometimes he'll act like he needs help just to satisfy you, because you still want to be there for him.

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Finn uses illness to his advantage, getting as much attention from you as he can. He'll overreact to trick you into things, making you think he's genuinely really ill when he's just playing about.

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