What type of boyfriend he is

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He's very protective, maybe even over protective sometimes. He always has to make sure you're safe, meaning he's usually with you, both to protect you from enemies as well as the other kids in the group.


Murphy is a tease, as well as a bit of a flirt. He likes to get you worked up sometimes, and often starts play fights to get reactions from you. At the same time, he'll touch you or kiss you in certain places that you can do absolutely nothing about because you're in public, which annoys the hell out of you.


Jasper is the very playful type. He usually doesn't take things that seriously, and ends up getting you both into all sorts of trouble just from convincing you to have a little more fun once in a while. Luckily, he never fails to cheer you up.


He worries, like, non-stop. He always has to ask you if you're okay or if you need anything, because he loves you so much that the relationship is 60% worry, 40% relationship.


Finn is a full time flirt, non stop. He kisses you wherever, whenever, and he always has an arm around your waist or a hand in yours.


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