Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV~

    I wake up in my pink bed stretching my arms. I get up and start my morning routine with a nice hot shower. After that I brushed my teeth and walked over to my closet. "Hmm... what should I wear..?" I pull out some blue jean shorts and a pink tank top and put them on. I brush out my straight blonde hair and head downstairs. "Dad must in is office working again..." I pull out the box of cereal, the milk, and a bowl. After making my breakfast I eat it fast and grab my backpack. I open the door and start walking my way to school.
   The school isn't that far away but I know my dad would never drive me. But that's okay it's really nice outside. On my way to school I feel as if there is someone behind me. Almost like following me. I quickly turn around to see nothing. I must be going crazy. I continue on my way to school still feeling that someone is right behind me.
   I finally make it to school and I spot my best friend Levy by the lockers. I run over to her and scare her HALF to death. After apologizing for scaring her me and her start to head to our first class. But it's weird, I still feel that sense of someone. I shake that feeling off and continue on with my day. It's finally after school and I have to stay after school to take a test that I missed and help out with the book club. I'm finally done with everything and it's already dark! I look at my phone "6:45" oh no I'm super late! Dad will be so mad about this!! I pick up my pace on my way home walking down the sidewalk. I feel breathing on my neck and once I turn around I get pulled into the dark alley way...
Finally updated! In school rn but that's okay! Hope it's not terrible XD

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